Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: The Truth

Yeonjun's POV

So, I'm already at School. I'm currently at the Courtyard, waiting for those boys, and well, for a certain cat-eyed girl to come to school.

Since, she hasn't gone to school, ever since the incident. We asked Hyunjin, but he never answers. Even the teachers are worried, for her. I already asked Lia's friend and herself, but, it seems like, they still don't know what happened to Yeji either.

So I told them, when they heard it, two of them were crying, and the other one was well, comforting the other two, but you can see, she's trying to stop those tears from flowing.

I feel, bad because they didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve that. Nobody deserved that. I always wonder that, if that didn't happen, would it happen, in the near future. Would things be better? Would she be able to go to school again?

I was so lost in my thoughts, that I didn't notice my own group of friends standing right in front of me.

"Hey, Yeonjun hyung are you okay?" I heard a voice asked, or more likely Soobin asked me.

"I Guess so? Why?" I asked him back.

"Well, you kind of seem, out of it lately." Beomgyu answered for him.

"Oh. Come on let's go." I said, and stood up from where I was seated.

"Hyung! Are you still waiting for her?" I heard Taehyun ask.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? I mean, I am the president of our class, and I'm also her neighbor. So I should be worried for her. I should also look after her." I said, while walking towards the building.

"Yeonjun oppa!" I heard a feminine voice said.

I quickly turned around, in hopes that she's back. But I was wrong it was just, my sister Lia. I looked at her, she was still catching her breathe, she looked like she just cried.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"You need to see this." She said, and took out her phone.

Of course having my friends there, they're also looking at the phone. Once, she found the thing she was going to show me. She gave me her phone.

"What is it?" I asked her, still not looking at the phone. But I suddenly heard gasps, behind me.

"Read it for yourself." She said, and pointed at her phone.

"Okay...?" I said, and looked at her phone, I was shocked to see the what's on the phone.

It has Yeji's picture, and of course texts.


Hwang Yeji
Active now

Hi, Lia!


Sorry, I wasn't in school for this week.

It's fineeee, I suppose you still have to heal, I guess.

You must've been worried for me, weren't you?

Of course! Who wouldn't be?! If it was your best friend or family then it's normal. But when it's somebody else, that's another story.

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