Chapter 04

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Chapter 04: Fate?

Yeji's POV

Why? I thought everything already changed here. Then why is it still here? Nobody comes here anymore. So there's no point of keeping this place.

I walked toward the place where I can remember everything. Everything that he did to me. This is the place where we first met, the same exact place where we both had fun, the exact same place where we ended our friendship. No. Where HE ended our friendship.

I suddenly regret coming here at those times, if only I had stayed at my house at that time This place reminds me of him of my first love, but I don't even remember him. If, we didn't cross paths, maybe none of these would've happen. I could've stayed here. I could've lived my life without fear.

I didn't notice, that I was already standing at the center of the PLAYGROUND, I didn't even notice that my tears were already falling, I tried to stop them, I tried to wipe them away, but I can't, they were just too fast for me.

The memories of him, It's just too much, I just somehow wish I didn't met him, I wish he didn't have to come here, to our school, into my life. But I knew I was too late, even in my dreams and nightmares he will always be a part of it.

Because, he still holds a big part of my life. After that time, I began to wonder, so many things, about my life and the choices I made. What if I didn't met him? What would've happen to me? Why did I let him come into my life anyway? But, no matter what he did to me, I would always forgive him, but the last thing was the last straw!

He, being with my best friend, was okay with me, but that's if he doesn't know how I felt for him back then. But, he clearly knew, that I liked him, and yet he chose her. Now, I think I'm over reacting again. Taking a really deep breath, I try to calm myself down. If Mom or Dad ever sees me in this situation, I'm so going to get in trouble, or anybody for that matter.

I quickly dried off my tears, and spent a bit more time on calming myself down, then I decided to on my phone. 'It was already, 4:49?!' I thought. Is that how long I've been here?! I've got to head home now! Mom's going to kill me! If I don't leave now, but, she'll also kill me if she saw me in this state.

'What should, I do?! Should I head back home or not?!' I thought contemplating whether, I should or shouldn't.

I ran outside the playground until, I reach the roadside, oh god. It's literally packed with people right now! Never mind that! I got to get home quickly! I just hope, Mom and Dad won't kill me.

Argh! I couldn't find my way back home! I'm not used to these kinds of situations! Back at the old place, it wasn't even that kind of Crowded, but here?! I think, I could die, just trying to get out this crowd.

Should I call Mom and Dad? I should, but then again, I won't get to explore anymore, if I called them. I'll just try to navigate my way back my house. I'll just make up an excuse, If they ask why was I home late.

I'll call them, once I'm really sure, that I'm lost. Well, I just hope that, nobody would be speaking of this event, to tell you the truth, I'M BAD AT NAVIGATION. You cannot literally trust me in any way of Navigation. I'm literally the worst at it.

I just got to trust my instincts to lead me back home, I guess. So, today is literally one of the most unlucky days for me. Want to know why? Well, you see, earlier today, the sky was showing 0% percent of chance of Rain, but right now, it's currently raining and I hate it!

I'm the only one who didn't have an Umbrella! I hate this day! My first day in Seoul, once again, ruined by rain. Just perfect, isn't it? Well, there's nothing I can do now, it's already raining. I just hope, my parents aren't too worried for me.


Author's POV

While, Yeji, was struggling with the rain, her parents are both struggling from their own Children. They have been wondering where, is the Eldest and their Youngest is.

They knew that the eldest wouldn't be here for another, week or so. But, Yeji? Yeji, is already here with them, and what's worst it's raining! Yeji didn't even bother to bring an Umbrella with her! But, something, seemed to worsen it. They both just remembered that she's bad at navigation. That made them worries more.

"Honey! Try calling her!" Mrs. Hwang said.

"I'm trying! But she won't pick up!" Mr. Hwang said, as he was clearly busy on contacting somebody on his phone.

"I'll try to call him, and ask where is he." Mrs. Hwang said. She said while trying to contact the Eldest.


Italized words: Unknown
Bold words: Mrs. Hwang

"Hi? Jin Speaking."

"Oh thank god, Jinnie, you answered! Are you okay right now? Where are you?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? I'm currently, at a friend's house, Mom, and why is Yeji not answering any of my calls?!"

"You've been contacting her? Using your new phone? Are you crazy! She doesn't know that you have a new phone!"

"I was just asking, Where you guys are..."

"Jinnie, remember she doesn't have your phone number, then you called her, what do you think she would do? Anyway, now that I'm sure you are very much safe. I'm gonna go now okay?"

"Yes. Goodbye mom. Love you! Take care! See you soon!"


After that call with the Eldest, Mrs. Hwang felt relieved, yet, she still feels something bad could happen.


Yeji's POV

Seems, like the rain is coming to a stop. Well, better take this chance so that, I can go back home. I'm already wondering, what my parents are doing right now.

There's nothing, I can do, but! In the good sign! I finally found my way back to our neighborhood! I saw the houses that I passed by earlier, But then again I might be wrong cause, I have the worst navigation system.


Never mind! I finally found our house.

I ran towards the direction of our house, but then, I saw boy coming out of our neighbor's house. He had brown hair. He was locking the gate, while I was still walking to our house. He noticed me and looked at my direction, but then, he walked towards me, but, instead of talking, he just literally walked right past me! How rude!

I continued my walk to my house, once I got in; I head towards the inside of my house. And instead of greeting my Parents, I went inside my room and took a quick shower. After that I changed my clothes.

After that, I went down, then my parents started to bombard me with all sorts of questions, I just smiled at them, and then quickly answered their questions. Because, I was getting hungry, I then went into the kitchen, and then I saw, FOOD!

I quickly thanked them, because they made food. I was practically starving. There was Rabokki!


Yummy, after that, I went; upstairs so I can get my well deserve rest. Well, for now, I'm not going anywhere for a couple of days. But, that's fine with me; I've had my adventures for today. And with that, I took a deep breath, and quickly went to sleep.

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