Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Closure

Yeonjun's POV

We were finally outside the Airport when she spoke something.

"Listen, Yeonjun. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I did. Back then. I'm sorry for shouting at you, I'm sorry for slapping you, and I'm sorry for not listening to you." She said, while holding back her tears.

"No, you don't need to apologize." I said, and hugged her.

I was trying to calm her down. Before, trying to tell her what really happened. Because, it might get a bit more messy than it is right now, if I try to you know get in the scene?

"Are you okay now?" I asked her, still comforting her, with a hug.

"Yeah. I'm fine now." She said, while smiling.

"Okay, can I start with my side of the story?" I asked her, she only nodded as a response.

"You see, remember when we came back to school, I met with Jiwon, of EVERGLOW. She said something about you that kind of, made my emotions, go berserk." I said, while trying to explain the situation back then.

After that, I made a summarization of the incident back then. It's a good thing that Yeji's a good listener, if not I think we'll be here for about a month or so.

After that, we both decided to walk around the Airport. While, we were walking, a question popped into my head. I decided I should ask this question, to her now. Because we might never know, if something like this happens again, in the future.

"Hwang Yeji?" I called, her Attention.

"Hmm? What is it Junnie?" She asked, and looked at me, with Curiosity in her eyes.

"Umm, Will you be my Girlfriend?" I asked her.

It took her, her a bit long before getting the point. Before replying to what I said. I guess, she doesn't want me to be her boyfriend.

"Never mind! Just forget, about what I said earlier!" I said, trying to get it, out of her system, she immediately laughed.

I looked at her, she was laughing, is she laughing at me, because of my confession?

"Choi Yeonjun," She started and then stared at me.

"I would love to be your Girlfriend." She answered my question, she kissed me under the light of the moon night.

I was taken back a bit, as she kissed me, she's actually a good kisser. Then I remembered that this isn't her first kiss. No, it isn't our first kiss. I quickly kissed her back, and turned it to a passionate one.

Dad, was right! It felt like, I'm the happiest man alive, right now! I wish this can last, a little bit longer.


Hyunjin's POV

"That Rascal! Who does he think he is?! Taking my sister's first kiss?!" I said, being enraged with anger.

"Yah! This is Yeji's fairytale! Don't you dare try and ruin it!" Lia said, while trying to lecture me.

"This isn't right! He hurt my baby sister! I at least have to get back at him!" I said, well, shouting at the guys who are holding me back.

"Okay, we should just drag him back to their, house." Ryujin said, obviously annoyed with me.

"But, Baby-." I said, but cut off, by that Beomgyu guy.

"Call her baby again, and I won't hesitate to punch on your Face. Over. And. Over. Again." He said, threatening me and quickly took away Ba-, I mean Ryujin.

So, that means, Ryujin is already TAKEN?! I've been flirting and courting a girl who is already taken?! Why does this always happen to me?!

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