Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Flight

Yeonjun's POV

And that someone is their parents.

It appears that they were just gone for a little while, just to talk to their Driver.

"Oh! What are you guys doing here? I thought we were just going need Hyunjin?" Auntie said to us, but quickly looked at Hyunjin and Yeji.

"Mom, I think they misunderstood, the reason why, were here. Can you please explain it to them?" Yeji asked auntie.

"Oh okay, sweetheart. You see the reason, why Yeji's here, she's sending us off." Auntie said.

"Wait, what?! Sending you guys off?! Why?!" Hyunjin said, over reacting over the situation that is beginning to unfold.

"Hyunjin, dear. Did you just raise your voice at me?" Auntie asked him, with a very menacing aura surrounding her.

"N-No Mom." Hyunjin said, while cowering with fear and looked down.

"That's good! Anyway, the reason why I told Yeji to call was to let you know that, we will go to your grandma's for a while as she is in bad shape." Auntie said.

"And, why does it need to be the two of you?" Hyunjin said, investigating this current situation.

"Because, somebody needs to look after her, but, your Auntie's and Uncle's back there, are kind of busy. So we're the ones who are going to look after her." Auntie said, reasoning with Hyunjin.

"Anyway, it looks like our flight is being called now, so we need to go now, honey." Uncle said, while gesturing to Auntie, to go.

"Okay! But first." Auntie said, while looking back at us.

"Remember, what I always say, whenever the both of us go to trips? Remember those things okay?" Auntie said, and looked at them, they only nodded.

"And please take care of them, for me. Especially Yeji. She's still a baby." Auntie said, while wiping a fake tear.

"Mom~." Yeji said, while whining.

"Honey, come on." Uncle said, obviously getting stressed.

"Okay, okay. One last thing before we go." Auntie said.

She quickly went over to her Children and kissed their foreheads.

"Once, we reached our destination; we'll call you guys okay?" Auntie said, while smiling.

"Okay! Don't worry Mom! I'll look after the Baby." Hyunjin said, and looked over to Yeji is.

"We'll all look after her." Lia said, corrected Hyunjin.

"Thank you. It's nice knowing that, my daughter finally made good friends." Auntie said.

"Honey! Come on! We'll miss our flight!" Uncle said, while tapping his foot.

"Okay, fine! We have to go now! Bye! Take care of yourselves okay?!" Auntie said, while walking away, with Uncle.

As they were leaving somebody pulled me somewhere. And, I know who did it.

'Yeji' I thought.

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