Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: First Day

Yeji's POV

This is so bad. I got lost again?! This does it! This whole school is a huge maze! I only got 20 minutes left, before Class Orientation starts! Lia said, she would wait for me! But where is she now?! I think I'm gonna cry right now.

Just the first day of school and I got lost again. I think there's something with me and getting lost. I think we should be friends.

I should text Lia.


Choi Jisu
Active now

Where are you?!

Well, hello to you too. Yeji.

Lia! I don't have time for those! I'm lost, in this huge maze! I couldn't find my classroom!

Is that, all you wanted to say?

Yah, what's with the attitude?

I'm in a very bad mood, right now Yeji.

Wait, Why are you in such a bad mood?

Nothing. Now tell me where are you right now? I'll come pick you up from there. And go to your designated classroom.

I'm currently at the Bulletin board. I've already checked my Classroom number.

Okay, stay there! I'm coming.

Okay! Bye!



Yes! I finally get to go in my Classroom. I'm super excited!


Where is she?! Class Orientation is about to start and there's still no Lia yet!

"Hey, Yeji!" I heard a very familiar voice say.

"Hey, Lia." I said, almost crying, and went over to her.

"Quick! There's no time left! We need to go now! We need to run to our next destination!" Lia said, while grabbing my arm and started dragging me away from this place.

"Wait, do you know where my Classroom even is?" I asked her, making her stop in her tracks momentarily, before continuing to drag me away.

"Well, of course!" Lia said, while continuing to drag me away.

"Huh? How?" I asked her.

"Well, you see, if you're a new student, or a student who has quite the reputation in this school. Everybody would either want to be your classmate, or dodge you entirely." She said, while still dragging me away.

"But, lucky you! I'm one of your classmates! Now let's go." She said, while running through the corridors, of our school.


Finally, we've almost reached our destination; well that's what Lia said. When, we were so close, I suddenly bumped into something, no someone.

'Wha-- I bumped into, something again?!' I thought, scolding myself.

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