Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Records & Class Nominations

Yeji's POV

After, all the introductions, Ms. Tzuyu, decided to let us have our early recess. And that means, we can meet up with the others! This is great, that also means we can talk about our classmates! As I was about to finish fixing my things, I was called by Miss Tzuyu.

"Yeji?" Miss Tzuyu called me and my attention.

"Yes, Miss Tzuyu?" I asked her, while looking a bit confused, by the reason why she called for me.

"Say, when you said, you were asleep for a year, how did you know what to answer in your medical form, if you didn't even know what happened to you?" She asked me, looking so much more curious than before.

"Well, for that, I wasn't the one who answered that. It was my Mom." I said to her, she quickly nodded and made her way towards the teacher's table, and quickly fixed her stuff, and got it, to leave.

"Wait, Miss Tzuyu!" I said, she quickly, turned around, and kind of made me feel like as if the world just began slowing down for some reason.

"Hmm? Yeji?" She asked, and that caught my attention.

"Are you perhaps, a friend of Dahyun eonni and Chae eonni?" I asked her, she looked surprised, but then quickly laughed.

"Yes, I am one of their friends, to be exact; I'm the youngest, but the tallest of all of us. How did you know about that matter?" She asked me, while she was still laughing and smiling.

"Well, I saw a picture of you and your group, at Chae eonni's desk, when I came in to do the admission form, for this school year." I said, and smiled.

"Oh, okay, I see, If that's all, I'll be going now, okay? You should have your Recess now, Yeji." She said and left our classroom, completely.

I was, clearly standing in front of the door, for awhile now. And I was thinking of all the possibilities, I met one more member of their group.

"Yeji!" Somebody called me and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm? Lia? What are you doing here? I thought you already left?" I asked her, and went back to our sit, and quickly finished fixing my things.

"Yeah, but then I remembered, you don't know the way through this school, because you're new. Plus, you might get lost here again." She said, and laughed.

"Oh, okay! Let's go now!" I said, determined to see the younger ones.


We were already alongside the younger ones in the cafeteria to buy, ourselves food, for our Recess period. We were so hungry, that Ryujin and Yuna quickly ran off to the counter just to buy us some food.

After a few minutes, they returned, but I noticed something was a bit tad off, with Ryujin.

"Okay, what is it with you and your attitude?" I asked her, while tilting my head to the side.

"She's in a bad mood, eonni it's because of our Teacher, actually annoyed her earlier." Chaeryeong said, while continuing to eat her sandwich.

"Oh, what did that teacher say?" I asked Chaeryeong.

'Well, he didn't really actually say anything. Instead, he kept on poking Ryujin's Shoulder." Chaeryeong explained, while looking at me.

We kept on talking to each other, until we had to go back to our own classrooms.

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