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『• • • ✎ • • •』

Epilogue: Graduation Day


Yeji's POV

It's finally, Graduation Day!

After this, I'll be able to study, doctrine!

After a few more hours, I'll be able to say, I'm a graduate from high school!

I quickly went in the entrance of the school, and made my way to the auditorium.


Finally! We all graduated.

I was actually waiting for my parents, when somebody hugged me from behind, I wasn't really surprised, because I knew this would happen.

"Hey. Yeji... Here you are..." The guy who hugged me said.

Even from his voice, it makes him, a bit easier to identify, if it was quiet, but this is better.

"Hey. Junnie!" I said, to him, I quickly turned around to see him, smirking.

"So we finally graduated? Damn. It still doesn't feel real." He said, and quickly planted a kiss on my forehead.

"You tell me, I'm pretty sure my body is still asleep in my bedroom." I said, while laughing.

"Oh, by the way, here's a little gift from yours truly." He said, while giving me a bouquet of flowers.

"Geez... stop it you two, It's too disgusting to watch, you know?" A feminine voice said.

"You're just jealous, you don't have somebody to this with." I said to Lia, teasing her up a bit.

"Hmph!" Lia said, we all laughed.

"Or... maybe, you're waiting for somebody?" I asked her, well more like teased her.

I quickly looked at Soobin, he was busy talking with Yeonjun. But, I guess he noticed me, staring at him.

"Hmm? What is it, Yeji?' He asked me.

"Umm... You see, I have a fri-." I said, but ended up getting cut off, by Lia.

"She has taken a liking for you, back then!" She said, nervously trying to cover up what I was about to say.

"Wait, what?!" Yeonjun said and glanced at Soobin's place, getting ready to hurt him.

"It's not true, Yeonjun." I said, while trying to get him off, Soobin.

I finally, got him off Soobin, and gave him a peck in the lips.

"There you guys are, come on. We'll be late for our Dinner with the others." Mom said.

"Okay, mom!" We said, and immediately followed her.

We all entered our own family cars. Once I got in, I was greeted by a smiling Hyunjin, who has a really beautiful Bouquet of flowers with him, and gave them to me.

"Hey, Sis!" Hyunjin said.

"Here, I brought this just for you! I made some improvisation, to it." He said.

I was so touched with it. I was already tearing up, with such a small thing. This never really happens that often, to the both of us, as we always have friendly quarrels. I quickly hugged him, and thanked him a thousand times, I can practically tell that he was either laughing or smiling at me.

I wish only one thing, for Hyunjin. To find the girl, who can stay with him, who can make him happy, and who will take care of him. And, well maybe whose also, actually single. I will, be happy, for him, if he finds the one that really is for him, and would stop stalking, Ryujin now. But I guess that won't happen in a Billion years.


We finally reached our destination. We saw, that everybody was already in the restaurant. When I got there, all of the guys went to me and congratulated me.

I saw, Beomgyu and Ryujin, talking to each other, while also eating. Their acting as if, like their just dating, that this isn't a congratulatory party. I almost forgot that they were together, for quite a while already. I smiled, as I was really happy for them, although my Idiotic Big Brother, almost got killed by Beomgyu at the Airport, because of a stupid thing he did back then.

I looked around and saw Chaeryeong and Taehyun. Playing games, but also laughing, and eating at the same time. I've always imagine, what kind of couple would they be? Thinking, that Chaeryeong likes to play games, and Taehyun likes to read. They're also both, a bit on the shy side, in other words their Introverts.

As I quickly, scanned the place, I saw Huening Kai and Yuna. They were just laughing and talking, while eating. They look so, normal. Compared to us, they are taking things slow. I've heard that Kai is already courting Yuna, as of last month, to be exact Valentine's Day!

After all those congratulations, that I heard some romantic music, played and Yeonjun, asked me to dance with him, well since he is my Boyfriend after all, I couldn't say no.

So, I took his hand. As he quickly lead me to the Dance floor, as we started dance to the flow of music. It was slow and sweet. It was really romantic. This reminds me of the dance that I practiced with Soobin and Lia.

Oh how I wish, it can always stay like this. I looked over to Yeonjun, and saw him looking at me. I smiled and looked at him, he quickly kissed my forehead.

"I love you so much, Hwang Yeji. My Baby Yeji." He said, while hugging me while also dancing.

"I love you too so much, Choi Yeonjun." I said, while I hugged him back.

Before, I knew it, he took me outside the venue. Since we are near the beach, we can feel the fresh air, going past us. And before I knew it, he already kissed me, Under the Moonlight. I kissed him back, but, we broke apart due to lack of oxygen.

After that, I saw another soon-to-be-couple, walking at the beach, talking and laughing, while holding hands. Soobin, was hiding his face, I guess It's from embarrassment, while Lia was laughing the night away.

Who knew? That our Secrets, will be the reasons, that would separate us? But, will also be the ones connecting us?

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the end.

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