Chapter 03

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Chapter 03: Getting Familiar

Yeji's POV

I woke up, remembering this isn't my bedroom?! I started panicking! But, then I remembered, we moved back to Seoul, yesterday.

'How can I forget about that?' I thought, and started scolding myself mentally.

'Argh! This is officially worst day ever!' I thought and sighed.

I quickly ruffled my hair and sat on my bed. I looked around my soon to be future bedroom. After looking around my bedroom, it was bare literal empty, the only things in here, are my luggage and boxes, which probably has my personal belongings.

'How about, I start decorating my room? Just to occupy my mind, with something.' I thought as I looked around some more.

I might die because of boredom here. I mean, who wouldn't? As of the moment I literally don't know anyone here, well except for my parents. Since, we don't really have any relatives here either.

So, before, I do that, I'm going to go get a shower, because, I don't like my smell right now.


After my short shower, I wore a hoodie and some pair of leggings that I found laying around in my bedroom. I'm too lazy to pick my outfit for today, and I'm just going to decorate my bedroom. So, there's literally nothing I should dress formally for.

Besides my senses are tingling meaning something delicious is on the way! I quickly left my room, and went down.


After, I went down stairs, to eat. Because something smells good, in here. And what I saw made my eyes bigger! They were, English pancakes! 'My favorite!' I exclaimed in my mind. My Mom rarely cooks at the house, because we have Maids to do that for us, but when she does, she makes our favorites!

While, eating at it, I already see my Dad, laughing at me. Well, I don't care! I could eat 20 plates of these! They both know how to tease me!


After eating, I decided that I should decorate my room or maybe at least assemble my bed so it can get cozier there.

So while going up and down the stairs to my new bedroom, for my things, I decided since there's another bedroom beside mine, that I should store some of my things there until, I get to finish setting up my furniture, in my Bedroom.


So, now, I did already finish my bedroom. Just adding a few more touches to my walls and ceilings. Because, it was looking a bit bare, to be honest. So, after the room makeover session, that took about a day and half? But, in the good side, my bedroom looks so much cozier, and beautiful!

So, now that I have finished decorating my room, I can finally relax.

Although, being alone isn't something I always wanted. But, it's very much nice. But, something still, gets in the way of my mind. Shouldn't he be here, by now? Never mind, I'll just attack him, that is when, I see him.

Since, it's getting kind of late, and I haven't had dinner yet, I'll go down to check whether there's something to eat. After that, I'll head off to bed.


Author's POV

Yeji was walking in her room, back and forth. Yeji was anxious, to ask her parents for permission to walk around their new neighborhood, or settlement. Taking a deep breath, Yeji proceeds to go to her parent's bedroom. Yeji knocked on the door, thrice, before getting in.

Yeji was literally shaking in nervousness. While, Yeji was walking towards her mom, she decided that if her mom wasn't going to allow her, should might as well be reading books in her bedroom instead, than dying because of boredom.

"Mom?" Yeji asked, asking for the presence of her mother.

"Yes, Sweetie?" Mrs. Hwang asked Yeji back.

"Can, I go out?" Yeji asked Mrs. Hwang.

"Oh. Of course! Why are you even asking permission for that?" Mrs. Hwang asked Yeji back.

"Mom, I mean, go out, as in, out of the house, out of the yard, out. I meant to go explore this neighborhood." Yeji said, trying to explain the situation to her mother.

"Oh. Okay! Just don't go home too late, you don't know much about the streets here anymore. You might've lived here before, but the place changed so much, trust me. And please bring your phone so we can contact you, in case of emergency." Mrs. Hwang said, while concerned about her daughter.

"Okay!" Yeji said, while smiling.

Yeji, walked out of her parents' bedroom. Feeling relieved that her mom let her, go out. While, getting ready, Yeji receive a text from an unknown number. Saying some literal random things.


Unknown Number

Unknown Number:

Unknown Number:
How are you?

Unknown Number:
Where are you now?

Unknown Number:
Please reply to me.

Unknown Number:
I love you... ❤

Unknown Number:
Hey... please notice me...

Unknown Number:
Don't ignore me~


Yeji was practically okay with those messages, because people really get wrong phone numbers. But, the next ones were really creepy.


Unknown Number:

Unknown Number:

Unknown Number:

Unknown Number:


Yeji was creeped out by the fact that the sender knows her name and will stalk her. So, Yeji did what any sane person would do. BLOCKING THE PERSON. Yeji was actually intrigued by the person; she wanted to know who it was. But, then again, it could be a prank, or something. But, Yeji had much more important things to do.

Without even thinking about it twice, Yeji quickly went outside her house. Just to explore the neighborhood. There was literally nothing much. There were houses, right straight down the road. While, walking down the road, Yeji saw something, and it made her stop on her own tracks.

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