Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: Airport

Author's POV

All of them were practically, panicking at the thought of Yeji, leaving them. All of them were either crying or just staring into a distance. Thinking of all the moments they had. Whether good or bad ones.

Even if they only met a few months ago. They will really miss her.

Even if she was going to move away. They'll support her. Even if it hurts so much.

But, there's somebody who was crying worst than the others. It is Choi Yeonjun.

Thinking of losing Yeonjun's, first love, once again.

The first time was already hurtful. How about the second time?

As they were getting close, traffic began to pick up, thankfully, it wasn't that kind of packed up.


After, that they already reached the destination. Hyunjin quickly parked the car in the parking lot.

They quickly ran into the inside of the Airport and started to look for Yeji.

Yeonjun's POV

We were all looking for Yeji, we kept on bumping into somebody. If it wasn't for me, this wouldn't have happen.

I keep on pushing the people just to look for Yeji. I wouldn't forgive myself, if she leaves Korea.

I will never, let myself be okay.

Knowing it was my entire fault, that's the reason why she is here in the first place!

I quickly looked around and saw a Familiar looking girl, standing with luggage, with her. But, nobody else was with her; she has 4 luggages, and 2 hand bags.

I quickly called the others to let them know. I quickly approached the girl; I think she saw me that am the reason why she's looking right at me.

Then, she did the one thing I thought I would never see again, she smiled. Not a fake one, but the genuine one.

I quickly ran over to her, and hugged her as if it's our last one. I was a crying mess; I guess the others came too. Because it was getting noisy, but, I didn't mind because I was spending my time with Yeji.

They were bombarding her with so many questions, some of them are pleading her to stay, but, Me? I'm not doing anything; all I was doing is hugging her so tight.

I can practically, feel her bones. Hasn't she eaten yet? I looked at her; I had a worried expression written all over my face. I was going to ask her, how she has been doing.

But then, something came up. Well, it wasn't literally a something; it was more of a someone.

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