Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Get Together? & Trouble?

Author's POV

As of the Moment, we hear, people talking, and cooking at the same time. After a few minutes, a short girl, suddenly went down.

"Mom? Dad?" The Short Girl, asked.

"Ah! Sweetie, don't scare us like that!" A lady in her mid-forties said.

"Sorry, Mom. But what are you guys doing?" The girl asked the lady.

"Well, Lia, your Mother and I, decided we should go and meet up with our neighbors. We already, sent them a note, of invitation in our house." A man who was also in his mid-forties said, while holding a pot that had some soup in it.

"Oh, You mean, Yeji's Family?" Lia asked.

"You know one of them?!" The couple asked, surprised

"Well, who wouldn't? I mean she, just transferred to school today, and Yeji's my classmate also, a part of the Class Officers. She holds the position Vice-President." Lia said, shrugging.


After a while of talking with each other. A certain brown haired boy went down, wearing something Casual. It looks like that he will be going somewhere.

"Mom, Dad. I'm going to Soobin's for awhile. He said, he wants company, he's lonely at their house." The brown haired boy said, while walking towards the front door of their house, and grabbing his car keys.

"Okay! Oh, and Yeonjun!" Mrs. Choi said calling out Yeonjun.

"Hmm?" Yeonjun hummed, inquiring his mother that he is listening

"Don't get drunk! I know you have high alcohol tolerance! But still don't drink! It's a school night!" Mrs. Choi, reminded him.

"Okay!" Yeonjun said, and then left

But, what they didn't notice is that, Yeonjun had a Bag, that's filled with his Stuff. After a few minutes, just to make sure that Yeonjun is no longer in Ear-shot range.

"Hey, Mom? Don't you think, that it's weird?" Lia asked her parents.

"What's Weird?" Mrs. Choi asked back.

"Why would, Soobin, want company? Especially from Yeonjun? I mean why would he, Call Yeonjun, instead of Beomgyu, Taehyun, or Huening Kai?" Lia said, making a point.

"Well, that kind of sounds, weird doesn't it?" Mr. Choi said, agreeing with it getting the point.

"I mean it does, make sense, maybe Soobin, is asking an adult question? I mean Yeonjun is already an Adult, remember?" Her mother said, asking the other two.

"Anyway, before you two get your Detective Game all over again. Get ready, if you guys aren't going to help me in the kitchen." Her Mother said.


"Really?!" A boy who has black raven hair said, happily.

"Yep, now go get ready!" Their parents said.

"Okay!" The two said, in sync.

Meanwhile, they were getting ready, Yeji thought about something.

'Can I finally know something, about the mysterious president of our Class?' Yeji thought, as she was fixing herself.


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