Chapter 02

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Chapter 02: The Travel


Author's POV

Yeji's family is currently going to Seoul, the Heart of South Korea. A huge metropolis where modern skyscrapers, high-tech subways and pop culture meet Buddhist temples, palaces and street markets.

Yeji is currently looking out the window, while listening to a certain song called, Monster by Red Velvet on her phone which is connected to her air pods. While listening to it, Yeji feels a bit sleepy, as she woke up to the sound of her Alarm at around 4:30 AM. When she was getting more and more sleepy, she heard her mother say something.

"Sweetie, how are you feeling?" Mrs. Hwang asked Yeji.

"Umm... I'm fine. I'm just sleepy? I guess?" Yeji replied to Mrs. Hwang, while yawning, and stretching at the back.

"Oh! If that's the case you should sleep since you own the whole back sit, how about you lay down?" Mrs. Hwang suggested to Yeji.

"Okay!" Yeji replied to Mrs. Hwang while smiling.

While Yeji was fixing her spot and position, her Mother threw something to the back sit where she was supposed to sitting.

"Sorry Sweetie! Here's a pillow for you, I don't want to get my little Angel have stiff neck!" Mrs. Hwang said as she was looking at the rear mirror.

"Well Honey, how about me? I think I might have stiff neck later?" Mr. Hwang said as he pouted.

"Oh! You big baby! Our little Angel here deserves it! Besides you'll be driving the whole day, so if I give you any pillow, you might fall asleep on the road! We don't want to be in the hospital instead of our new house! So keep your eyes on the road mister!" Mrs. Hwang said while laughing.

"Yes Ma'am!" Mr. Hwang said, while also laughing and saluting playfully.

Yeji on the other hand, had been laughing so loud, that her sleepiness went away. While they're continuing laughing their selves off, they didn't notice what time it was. When Yeji checked her cell phone, it was already past 1:00 PM. When Yeji saw the time, her stomach began to rumble. It was a long time since they ate breakfast, and it was already 1:00 PM. Then, Yeji's parents started laughing at her, she became shy quickly.

Since it was kind of late, they decided to go to a drive-thru, McDonalds. Since it's Yeji's favorite restaurant ever since she was a kid. When it was their turn, they ordered different things on the menu, since it is Yeji's favorite restaurant they already know what to order.


Once their order was given to them by the workers. They went to the parking lot to park the car there, and eat their food. Once they were done, they decided to continue their journey to their new house. Well because of that Yeji once again, felt sleepy and a couple more moments later, Yeji really fell asleep.


Before they even knew it, they were already there at their new house. As for Yeji, she was still sleeping at the back sit of their car. Meanwhile, Yeji's Mom is waking up Yeji, as for Mr. Hwang he is currently on the phone talking to one of the movers. It was getting late and they have nothing, well, except for their clothes. Their clothes are at the back of their car, it's in the compartment of the car.

Yeji decided that she should have a look around in their house even though it is kind of empty, as of the moment. While Yeji parents are on their phones busy contacting the movers. Yeji already went inside, she was looking around inside of the house. There was nothing to look at honestly; it was bare empty the only thing you can see is the painted walls.

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