Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: Contest Injury?

Yeji's POV

Finally! I finished every problem that should be good.

Now, the only thing, I have to worry about is, their Dance Teacher. Apparently the teacher was also hired by somebody in the contest. Apparently that somebody is Wang Yiren.

Ugh, I hate her. If she has the Dance Teacher, then who can practice, both Soobin and Lia?! They have to do Two Acts. Their first is a Duet and the second was their ballroom dancing. That, they've taken the inspiration from "Beauty and the Beast" the movie.

We're literally, going down here! Argh, I know I can dance, but I can't dance ballroom without a partner. I was thinking a way to get us through the tight spot, when I heard Miss Tzuyu call me.

"Yeji? You don't have to worry. I know somebody who can teach us. I'll call her." Miss Tzuyu said, and took out her phone, to dial someone.

"For now, we have to fix more about the props, Question and Answer portion, and their voices." Miss Tzuyu said, and looked at me.

"But, I would like, if you can also try to contact another Dance Teacher. If mine couldn't come." Miss Tzuyu said, and left me alone.

"Yes, Miss. I'll do my Best!" I said, and did the things we have to do. I also contacted another Dance Teacher.

While I was on the phone, waiting the call to come through. I was deep in thought. 'What if... I teach the both of them? I guess that can work. It'll be a bit more convenient as, we don't have to pay for anybody.'. I thought, when my train of thought, I heard my phone, saying something annoying to my ear. "The number you have dialed, is currently unattended. Please try again later."

That's it. I'm taking this problem in my own hands. I was about to go to Lia and Soobin. When Miss Tzuyu called me.

"Yeji, I don't think my friend can come right now. How about yours? Can they come?" Miss Tzuyu said, obviously worried for both Soobin and Lia.

"Nope, he cannot be reached." I said, and looked down.

"Now, What can we do? We don't have time on our side. We're literally actually losing it." Miss Tzuyu said, while looking at her wrist watch.

"Umm, Miss Tzuyu?" I called her attention.

"Yes, Yeji? Have you already gotten an answer?" She asked me, while also looking at me.

"I can teach them. Well, they only have the other half left right? And they're just copying the Dance from Beauty and the Beast. So I guess I can teach them. Since, there's nothing else to do here. I can focus on them, if we start early, we can get it done. Just before the show starts." I said, I looked at Miss Tzuyu she was thinking.

"Hmm.... I guess so... But, are you sure you can do it?" She asked me.

"Yes. I will do whatever it takes to make our Class win this, competition!" I said.

"Ok, I'll be taking this job, from you, and you'll be teaching them. I'll be sending you the video. Wait. After you watch that, you can do whatever it takes just to let them know, what they should do." She said, before leaving me totally.

Once, she was gone, I quickly looked around for the Pair. I found them, practicing their Duet. I looked at them like seriously? They're, practicing the Duet, when that's already good! I went over to them, and called their attention.

"Lia and Soobin! We have to go now! You two are going to practice your ballroom dance." I said, while starting to pull them out of our classroom.

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