Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Mall

Yeji's POV

Say what!? What?! Umm...

"Umm... Sorry to burst your bubble Miss. But, Yeji's my younger little sister. Even though, she's beautiful, I can't date her. Because, our parents might kill me." Hyunjin said, while shrugging his shoulders away.

"Oh. Umm... I'm sorry for making assumptions, Yeji eonni, and umm..." Chaeryeong said, and looked at Hyunjin up and down.

"Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin." Hyunjin Introduced himself, to them.

"Oh, Hyunjin oppa." Chaeryeong said to continue the statement she made earlier.

"Please call me Hyunjin, don't make me feel old... I already feel old because Yeji is already 20." He said, while sweatdropping.

"Why? Was yesterday your birthday Yeji eonni?" Ryujin asked me.

"N-no, it's actually today..." I said, while looking down.

"Eh?! Why didn't you tell us your birthday is May, 26th?! And it's also your 20th Birthday?!" Lia said, obviously surprised, with what I said earlier.

"Well, since it's your birthday today, and we don't have any gifts to you yet. How about you guys join us? Just for today. You know since, it's your birthday and all." Ryujin suggested, to us.

While, thinking I noticed my Brother was being quiet so I quickly took a quick glance at him, and saw him a frozen statue of Hyunjin looking at Ryujin.

'Okay, what is the meaning of this?' I thought and quickly slapped my Brother's arm.

That made him, get out of that trance of his. While, he was groaning, I was thinking the answer to Ryujin's, I heard, my brother quickly took a deep breath.

"Oh, it would be rude to turn down an inv-." I said, and then got cut off by my Brother.

"Oh. And who might you be?" My Idiotic Brother asked Ryujin.

Sometimes, I just want to get in his brain and see if his brain is always thinking of flirting with girls, instead of looking for a job or maybe, he's adopted? Mom did say that Dad is and always have been Loyal. But Hyunjin? Umm... I think not.

"Don't mind my Idiotic Brother, Ryujin. And as for the Invitation, we would love to." I said, while smiling at them.

"Really?! Since you guys are still new to this Mall. It would be better, if we be your tour guides for today!" Yuna said with Happiness seen in her eyes.

I was so shocked, when I heard; they wanted to spend time with us, with me. I'm going to ask them, although their answer might affect me. But! I want to know our status to each other.

"Come on! Let's go, eat! I'm starving!" Ryujin said, while tagging Yuna along the way.

"Oh, you're always so hungry! Ryujin-ah!" Chaeryeong said, more like scolding Ryujin, making us laugh.

"How, about we go to the Famous Samgyupsal Restaurant that we always go to? So Yeji eonni, and Hyunjin oppa, know the good places to go to, with their parents?" Yuna said, suggesting it.

While, walking up to this 'Samgyupsal Restaurant'. I was mustering all my courage to ask the Question.

"Does this mean? That... were, friends?" I asked them, hopefully waiting for a good answer from them.

They went silent, for a good couple of minutes. Then they started to smile.

"Well, what do you think?" Lia asked me.

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