Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Exacted Revenge?


Yeji's POV

The break was fun and all, but I really want to be back, because after a few more months. We'll be graduating.

I'm excited for that! That means I can pursue my dream of being a doctor!

I was finally being able to go to school, with my friend again. Got to admit, being with Yeonjun was fun, but, I think, I just forgot my friends.


Jiwon's POV

How dare she do that to us! Right in front of the person we like!

I'll get her back.

I already planned everything. The girls aren't here, and the only one who will come, is the one and only, Choi Yeonjun.

Lately, I've been hearing things like, how close he is with the Yeji Girl. Other than those cheap girls, he is actually one of closest boys to her. I wonder if they have something going on.

I was still, revising the plan, to make it easier for me, when I heard the door open. And that's the cue.

"Yeonjun? Is that you?" I asked, even though I already know, who it will be.

"Yeah, why did you call me Jiwon?" He asked coldly, he even called me using my real name!

"You see, I've heard rumors, of you and Yeji, being together, but I also heard other rumors that Yeji is just using you. For money or something." I said, while looking at him.

His pupils were already dilating! That's a good thing!

"Where did you hear that?" He asked, his voice sounded a bit on the angry side.

"I just heard it, while I was walking the corridors. I was about to get in our Classroom when I heard female students, while they were walking towards their Classroom. I quickly turned to look for them, but with my luck, they were already gone." I said, while looking down.

"I can't believe it! I've been fooled again!" He said, and threw his hands up.

"Again? What do you mean, 'Again'?" I asked him, getting much more curious than before.

"Look, that's none of your business. You should head to the classroom now." He said, and Left me at the rooftop.

He took the bait. Hwang Yeji, get ready. This is just the beginning; I can't wait to see you Crumble.


Yeji's POV

It was kind of strange, because Yeonjun didn't talk to me the whole day, but, he talked to the others.

While, I was walking towards the gate, my phone suddenly vibrated. I looked at it, and it was him! He texted me! Finally.

I was actually thinking that he is mad at me. But, I don't know what this is about. The text looked odd.



Meet me this Friday, at the playground.

7:00 PM, Sharp.

Okay? Bye.

Okay? Bye.

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