Chapter 09

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Chapter 09: Confrontation?

Yeji's POV

I knew it! Somebody IS following me! What a creep! I don't know anybody, in this place but, I think I could outsmart him or her, whatever the gender of that mystery person is.

But, whoever you mysterious hooded figure. You will, have your time, behind bars. I swear that!

Argh! I couldn't even walk to my own house now! This mysterious hooded figure might be a murderer and kill my Family!? What if, he or she plans to do something bad to them? To us?

Speaking of my Family, Where is that Boy? He said he won't be with us the day of moving, so he would be here a few days late, or maybe weeks. But, it's been two months, and he's not yet here. What does he think his doing? I think Mom, is getting a bit worried with him, and his childish acts!

I mentally sighed, because of that guy. Why are boys always so handful? He is older than me, yet, his attitude says otherwise.

I've got to make a plan to capture this mysterious hooded person. It's getting super annoying!


While, walking, little did that person know, I was already thinking of a plan. For that mysterious hooded person, to be caught! After, a while, I've finally, given up. But after that, I've finally gotten a plan! Finally my brain was kind of slow, but the plan could work! No! It will work, it's a perfect plan!

Look out mysterious hooded person. I'll give you something you'll never forget.


After, a few more minutes of walking, I will be finally to execute my plan for that mysterious hooded person. I just hope that it will work. I just want that my Brother would've been here, to support me. Somehow, I guess, but where ever he is right now, he should be careful.

While, walking to my designated place. My phone suddenly vibrated, I quickly took it from my pocket, and took a look at it.

It was Mom! If, she's calling me, she must be worried, by now. Because it's getting late, and it was not me, to be late, after all I was already familiar with the place, after my little exploration these past few days. I was thinking of answering it, but, if this mysterious hooded person gets the feeling that I'm calling the police. I'm doomed, no, were all doomed.

Without thinking twice about my actions. I quickly dragged the 'Decline Button'. I was practically thinking if it was right or not. Then my phone started vibrating crazy! But whatever, I won't answer it.

When the person who tried to contact me stopped, my Phone Suddenly beeped, and it beeped non-stop! But, I was eager to know the person who's been following me.


Now, to execute the plan!


First, I'll lure it to a street with not much people. Then, I'll be able to get that person. So, I quickly ran to my spot. I saw him running before me.


???'s POV

Where is Yeji going?! It's getting dark! I called Mom to tell Yeji to go home. But it seems like she doesn't want to answer her phone! Dang it! If I knew that this would be happening, I wouldn't have followed her!

I quickly reached for my phone, but, then, Yeji quickly ran. As her older brother, I should make sure she wouldn't get hurt.

But then, I noticed she was nowhere to be found! I quickly panicked but then something happened.


Yeji's POV

Aha! The mysterious hooded person actually took the bait!

After, he looked around I quickly kicked his back, making him to be on the ground. I quickly took off the hood, to be surprised by what I've seen!

"Hyunjin?!" I said, in surprise.

"Sur-prise?" He said, in reply. Should've probably asked, because it kind of sounded like it.

"What the heck?! Why would you do that to your own sister?!" I asked him, in anger and curiosity.

He quickly took a deep breath, before answering. As he took a deep breath, he answered my question.

"To get back at ya." He said lifelessly.

That's new, he's never lifeless. I quickly asked so many questions. Like:

"When did you return?"

"Where were you staying?"

"What do you mean 'To get back at ya'?"

"How come you never called me?!"

"Do Mom and Dad know you're already here?"

"What took you so long?!"

"Did you know, I was so bored, before you came?"

And he quickly answered all of those! While getting up! Unbelievable, I can't believe that I'm supposed to be his younger sister!

"I just came back yesterday."

"At the new House, of course!"

"Remember, I texted you. But then you blocked my Number!"

"And as I said earlier you blocked me."

"Yes, of course!"

"It's because I fixed my Requirements for school and things."

"Really? Hmm... I got to ask Mom about that."

I was still amazed by how he answered all those questions! Well I mean he can do that ever since we were little kids, but up until now, it still amazes me.

"Now, let's go home." He said, as he started walking away.

"Wait! Do you even know how to get home?" I quickly asked him. Because I've been wondering for awhile now.

"No! That's why I asked Mom to call you and hopefully you would answer the stupid phone, but it appears you don't want to be disturbed with your walk." He replied, with an angry tone.

"Hmph! I didn't answer it because I thought you were a Stalker or maybe a Murderer or maybe a Thief!" I quickly retorted back at him.

"If I was one, I wouldn't follow you with any distances. I would follow you from a distance." He said, trying to get out of this situation.

"Now, before this gets so long, let's go home! I'm tired." He said, yawning.

"Okay!" I said, agreeing with him.

Now, were going home, hopefully Mom wouldn't be mad at me not answering my phone. Let's pray for that.

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