Chapter 24

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Chris' POV

The cinema was great, mom was the one who chose the movie and we all enjoyed it. I sat through the two-hour movie moving my gaze to my whole family laughing and enjoying themselves and I felt so full of joy and satisfaction. I felt...complete. Gift was the first one to finish his popcorn and I had to share mine with him. I doubt he was even watching the movie, I bet he was just there for the snacks.

I called Mavis and asked her to prepare the lounge table for us before we arrive. I told her to place the food in a very attractive manner and hopefully the family will like how the table is set. They will wonder who did it but all they have to do is dig in and enjoy the food that I cooked.

I unlock the door and walk in, the lights are switched on and moving to the lounge, I see the nicely set table. She came through for me.

Laid on the long lounge table is an amount of food that on any other day would be expected to last several days more. I crave the sensation of fullness. At the sight of the delecacies, my mouth waters. There is a full roasted chicken, grilled tout with lemon, smoked sausages, rice, roasted wedges and diced pumpkin with cinnamon, and all sorts of varieties of salads and side dishes. Sliced pineapples have also been placed on the table and I can just see myself digging in.

Everybody sits and help themselves. They dig in and moans escape as each and every one of them devour the food that I cooked. I smile because I know that I have outdone myself on this one. Maybe my dream came true because this is the most memorable Christmas I have ever had.

"Did you buy these?" Nina asks.

"I am quite good in the kitchen sister."

"Hmm, you sure? Because I could have done better."

"Sure you could have."  I sarcastically remark.

"Hey, table manners you two." Mom says and we laugh.

We continue to eat the delectable food in silence, Nina went for another plate and I laughed at her for enjoying my food so much but for having too much pride to admit it.

"Hey, leave some space for dessert." I tell her.

"Dessert? There's dessert? Who knew that waking up at four could give you so much power in the kitchen. You should try it more often, no drooling in the mug next time though."

I ignore her and stand up to go get the various desserts I made for the family.

I made lemon tart, using a recipe I got off the internet so I hope it tastes good. I bought the milk tart because making it was harder than I thought. I also made waffles and we are going to eat them with the chocolate syrup from earlier. What I am looking forward to are the chocolate bonbons, which I also bought.

For Gift and my parents, I got orange juice while for us the adults, I got champagne. We eat the dessert and we all enjoy it, no complaints whatsoever.

I then pop the champagne and pour for us and we still laugh and chat around the table. Everybody looks full and we share memories with each other.

"You guys are a really cute couple." Thuso says to Joseph and Nina.

"They really are." The two lovers blush at our compliment and Nina becomes a little too shy to face her husband.

"Speaking of cute couples, where is Mmampho?"

I try to swallow the huge lump that has just been created down my throat but I fail. I close my eyes, feeling a little bit dizzy as my mother's question seems to be echoing in my mind. Everything else around me is spinning and I close my eyes only to open them again to see if it will stop, but it doesn't. I feel the air getting thicker and it suddenly tastes poisonous. Am I still inhaling oxygen? I feel my heart pounding hard against my chest, as though it wants to escape its cage. My chest tightens and my ability to breathe is suddenly limited. I did not notice how tightly I was grasping on the wooden table until I felt my hand shake.


I then feel Nina's eyes on me.

"I...Mmamp..." I gulp down the champagne in my glass and pour a full glass again. In fact, right now I need wine.

"I have to go." I take my car keys from my pocket and run out the door.

I get into my car and shut myself inside. I turn the air conditioner on, hoping that it will make the air feel less thick. Breath in...breath out, in then out. I clench on the steering wheel really hard as I count to ten. 1...2...3...4, damn I cannot do this. I hit my fists against the steering wheel multiple times and when it all feels overwhelming I place my forehead on the steering wheel. I feel defeated.

The mention of her name just took me back into the dark hole that I have been working hard to escape.

I start up my car and open the gate. I drive out of the gate with no specific destination in my head.

I start driving around my neighborhood and the only thing running through my mind is my mother's question.

"Where is Mmampho, where is Mmampho..where is..." That is when I feel a salty tear on my lip. I quickly wipe it away as if I am afraid that somebody saw me.

My car stops and I see the sign Allnight bar. I just need a few drinks then I will be out of here. I open my door and get out, leaving my phone inside to avoid calls. So much for a wonderful Christmas.

I get inside and I sit down.

"Hey man. Please give me four tequila shots." I tell the bartender.

"Hi sir. I will bring them in a minute."

"Thank you."

Mmampho. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen. The love of my life. Her physique showed nothing but strength and even in the way she spoke...okay I came here to try and forget about her.

The bartender puts the shots just in front of me with slices of lemon.

I take all of them without taking breaks in between and I feel it invading my veins already. The liquid feels hot as it goes down my throat and already I feel it taking control of my brain.

"Two more please."  I show by a raise of fingers.

I drink them the same way and I feel my brain slowing down. I think I am already intoxicated because the bartender has two faces now..okay now it's only one...two. I laugh at how I am not keeping up with the transition of his faces.

"What's your name?" I ask the bartender.

"'s Tim." I am surprised my ears are still functioning.

"Ah. Tim. That's a really nice name. Starts with the twentieth letter of the alphabets huh. Three letters." I raise three fingers and place them down in slow motion.

"It's actually short for Timothy."

"Oh that's fine too, I guess. I am Chris. It isn't short for Christopher or anything, it's just..." I pause and laugh. "Chris. Do you think it's a nice name?"

"It is." He gets called by another customer and leaves me while I repeatedly spell my name.

I have been trying to ignore the fact that a woman has been eyeing me. She is with her friend and they are both dancing to the chilled song that is playing. Her red dress outlines every curve and edge of her body and lies just two inches below her butt and I would see her underwear if she were to bend. Her brunette hair is halfway through her back in length. I want more shots.

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