Chapter 33

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Chris' POV

Thabo and I have been distant for a while, I do not even remember the last time we had a boys' night or went out for drinks or let alone called each other to say hi or something. Even at work, things have been a bit tense, we just pass each other and being in the elevator with him  just feels awkward.

He would find me inside and awkwardly face the floor or press his phone. Although sometimes I'd swear that the screen was dark but I never made a remark on it because I did the same thing just to avoid a conversation. Sometimes, I pretended as though I was on a call. I remember he laughed at me some other time and I felt a little embarrassed because I had a feeling it was obvious that I was faking.

"Hi." He'd say as soon as he gets in the elevator.

"Hey." I'd say back. And most of the times that was it. That was how our conversations went unless he had to say something to me about work but in most cases he would just send Karina. We lost the bond we had before Mmampho came along and I was worried about that. I lost a brother.

So he comes into my office today and knocks. I tell him to come in and he takes long to get to my desk. When I look up it seems as though he is trying to keep his pulse on a normal rate or he is rehearsing whatever he wants to say to me. He is walking really slow.

"Hey, how are you." Wow, when last did I hear him say something other than just hello?

"I'm doing pretty well." I am trying to convince myself that I am. "And yourself?"

"I am...well." He says and I drop my pen which I was just using to sign the documents on my desk and I look up at him. I tell him to have a seat and he does. He lets out a huge sigh and leans back. He looks like he is contemplating and nervous.

"Look." His voice comes out as a sigh, he leans forward and grabs the closest thing to him, which is my stapler. I wait in anticipation.

"I need a quick favor. I would do it myself but I have so much work, and a deadline that I cannot miss and you were the first person I thought of. I mean, sure things have been crazy and maybe I'm the last person you'd help but I need this. I do not know if you are going to agr--."

"Just tell me what you need." I interrupt his long speech that he said in a rush, I guess he is really nervous.

"I need you to go to Mmampho's house and get--."

"Mmampho has a house? I thought she was staying with you." I blurt out in shock and judging by his look, he didn't find it very pleasant that I interrupted him so I look at him apologetically, giving him the platform to continue.

I am still shocked that Mmampho has a house though. How and when did that even happen? Well, I am proud but when?

"Did you buy it for her?" I should have thought of buying her a house, I'm very sure that she would have appreciated that and maybe gotten back together with me. Why didn't I think of that?

"Chris! Just listen."

"Okay, I apologize." A house though? Okay Chris, focus.

"Yes so she forgot Lesedi's birth certificate on the counter and wants me to bring it to the school Lesedi will be attending. Can you please do that for me?" A house?

"I will give you the addresses of both the school and her house, you need to be there ASAP. Understood?" He sounds like he is the boss of me.

He is my friend and he needs this. It's very cute that he is finally stepping up as a dad. Very cute. I am proud of him.

"Sure, it's okay."

"That's if you do not have any work to do."

I do not have any work because I have been working like a mad man ever since my family left. I wake up at four everyday and sleep an hour before midnight, just doing my work. Even when there wasn't any work, I did extra, I looked for new clients, I made sure I had the most polished pitches ever, no mistakes, and they all flowed smoothly.

My company has been getting richer and richer by the minute. I made sure to convince clients that were even thinking of leaving to stay, I have been working my butt off for this company. In two weeks, I have completed work for literally the whole month. I am way ahead of my competitors and I haven't felt any pressure in a while because I have been ahead in everything.

And even if I had any work to do, this is just an excuse to see Mmampho after so long so I was going to agree anyway. Just to talk to her or just to know how she has been doing and why does her phone go straight to voicemail when I try to call her. Maybe even catch up, maybe we can start all over. I bet she's worried and I would appear with that birth certificate and she'd see me as her hero. Maybe things could start there. Women like a man that can be there for them right?

"I don't but I also need a favor from you."


"Did you buy her the house?" I have to know for sure.

"No Chris."

"Then how did she?"

"Go! You are wasting time, she needs it as in like fifteen minutes ago."

"Right." I stand up from my desk, leaving everything messed up. I grab my blazer and rush out the door.

"You can take my car." He gives me the keys. Sweet ride.

I use the address that he gave me and make my way to her house. It's in the same street as Mavis. Why didn't she tell me Mmampho has a house? She knows how much I have been wondering where she stays but she didn't bother to tell me. My maid is so secretive, but I bet Mmampho told her not to say anything. I'm the reason they even became friends and they are kicking me to the curb, wow. Unbelievable.

I park just in front of the gate and I go in. I knock and Lesedi opens for me.

"Uncle Chris." He calls out in excitement, "How are you here?"

"I was sent to get something your mother forgot on the counter."

"Oh, this." He gives it to me.

"How did she send you, I thought she doesn't want any type of contact with you." She said that to them? Ouch.

"I don't think she does too, but your father is the one who sent me to come on his behalf."


I notice that his eyes are red so I ask him why. He tells me that he didn't pass the grade and he is disappointed in himself. Lesedi is a good kid though, how did he even fail? That's really shocking.

"I believe in you. Treat this year as a second chance. I bet you're gonna do great." He looks up at me and smiles.

"Thanks Uncle Chris."

We talk about how shocked I was to hear that his mother got a house, he tells me that he was shocked too when they saw it for the first time. He tells me that his mother had applied for it a while ago and kept it a secret from everybody. She is so secretive too. So whether I had proposed or not, she had already planned on getting this house. I am actually proud of her for pulling this off. She must be proud too, this is... this is great.

I look around and notice that she needs a few things to fill it up, I could get those for her and maybe get on her good side again? Although I really don't get what I did wrong. Maybe I can find out today when I see her.

I tell Lesedi that I had to leave to drop the birth certificate off. He says he'd love to meet up with me and catch up, and I saw no problem in that. It would be great. I miss them a lot.

I leave to go to the school and before I arrive, I text Thabo so that he can tell Mmampho that I am near.

I park just in front of her and she looks shocked to see me, or is that a face of disgust? I cannot really tell. Either way she does not look happy to see me but I am.

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