Chapter 43

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Naledi's POV

I know dad hasn't been in our lives for long but he is making up for it, he is really trying and as always Lesedi is acting blind to dad's change. I thought good acts were supposed to erase all the bad. I have been staying with him for three months now and I love it, he apologizes  all the time about leaving us and he shows remorse. I have no idea how many times we had that conversation.

He would have bought me something and I would be happy for it and all excited. He would look at me with that proud smile that parents give their children. Then he would start, "Naledi, I really am sorry that you guys had to go through all that. It was irresponsible of me to leave you guys and I was a jerk. I am so sorry."

"Dad, it's okay, I forgive you." I'd say.

"Oh, I thought that because--."

"Lesedi hates you then I hate you too?" I said it without filtering anything.

"Well, yea." He said.

"Dad, Lesedi and I are two different people. But don't worry, he will come around eventually and as for me, as long as you keep buying these cool gifts, we are cool." He would smile then make his way upstairs, leaving me to enjoy my cartoons.

I think that was the first few days when I started staying there.

I just reunited with him, I cannot afford to lose him. And it's not just about the rich life I get to live, I actually care about the guy. I have no idea why Lesedi is being like this. He should get over this already, it was ten flipping years ago.

And I see that mom and Lesedi have been bonding, they suddenly have secrets that I am not supposed to know about. But it's whatever, dad and I have been bonding as well.

We have been to a water park, amusement park and I do shopping almost every month. I have taken a lot of pictures with my new phone already, I love it. When we went ice skating, it failed miserably, I don't get how people perfect that. I fell everytime I tried to move and dad was very good at it, he was even showing off but he fell doing it. I laughed until my stomach hurt. We also went to a day spa and it was the most amazing experience ever. I am loving the rich life.

And sometimes, dad  read bedtime stories for me. It's always about princesses and I loved all of them. Mostly because I feel like a princess now and my dad's mansion is my castle, he is the king of course.

Anyway that's all besides the point. My dad just got in an accident and I am really worried about him. I had so much fun with the guy, it's too soon to lose him. I love my dad.

I don't understand why mom would make us go down a memory lane of our past three months before she told us what happened to dad. My mood just switched from jubilant to sadness drastically.

What if it's serious? What will happen? Where will I live? Will I have to change schools?

Apparently we have to go see him tomorrow, this is getting me a little worried and seeing Lesedi's 'I do not care' face just annoys me in every way possible. And if he wasn't older, I would just slap him. The fact that he doesn't even want to see dad, or does not even care how he is doing or if he dies. What kind of a son is he?

Sure things were bad for us back then but he's here now and I'm sure if he found us earlier, things could have been better too. I know for a fact that dad regrets abandoning us like that. Lesedi thinks I forgave dad too easily because I was not there the night that he abandoned us and humiliated mom, but it's not it. Personally, I do not get the point of holding a grudge when you could just move on and leave the past where it belongs, in the past. Holding a grudge doesn't necessarily help with the healing process, it takes maturity to forgive someone when they have done such horrible things to you. And when you forgive, you do it more for you than the other person, by forgiving, you protect your peace. At least that's what I heard my mom tell me when I was growing up. Lesedi is the only one holding on to the stupid past and dad's mistakes. The fact that dad is willing to fix it all should be one reason why Lesedi should let him in.  I learnt all this from mom and my cartoons. You'd be amazed as to what messages these cartoons send out, everybody just thinks they are stupid and for kids, well, I am learning a lot from them.

Plus, Lesedi is a boy, I just feel like he needs a father figure in his life. Pssh! Or he just needs therapy, he has problems. Maybe that's why he failed, it's the stupid grudge he has over our father.

People make mistakes and dad did too and we should just move on from whatever happened. I mean, mom got hurt the most but she forgave dad and they have decided to co-parent. Although it seems to apply to just me, the other one is being rebellious for no reason at all. He infuriates me.

I am really worried about dad. I will pray for him and oh yea, I will make a card for him tonight so that we can take it to the hospital tomorrow. Good thing I brought my pencil case.

I go to my mom's room to fetch my things and colored paper, then I go to the kitchen, sit on the chair and start drawing up a get-well-soon-card for dad.

I fold the paper in half, letting it form two A5 pages. I draw a teddy bear holding a heart on the front. I am not an excellent drawer but it cannot be that hard. And if it's bad, oh well, it's the thought that counts. I colour in the teddy bear in brown and the heart in red. Across the heart, I draw a diagonal banner and write 'hang in there champ' in capital letters using a black pen. This is similar to the one Doc McStuffins made for her brother when he was not feeling well, it's not as perfect as that one but I tried.

I write 'to: dearest dad' on the top left corner of the card and write 'from: your lovely daughter' on the bottom right corner. I am lovely right?

I open the card and scratch my head, thinking of a sweet message to write.

"Lesedi, should I write that this card is from you and I?" I ask him as he walks in to pour himself a glass of water.

"Please don't." He strongly suggests. I wasn't going to say anything but this is getting too infuriating for me.

"Why are you being like this? Just show him that you care, for once. He would really appreciate it. Just bury the past and forgive the poor guy. You actually don't have to, just act like you do. Fake it 'til you make it". I say this in the most sincere way possible, the last thing I want is for us to fight here while dad is fighting for his life. I want us to unite and maybe knowing that Lesedi cares will motivate him to fight for his life even more.

"Would you just stop annoying me with this "forgiveness" talk. Or let alone about your father, I am really sick of it. Leave me alone Naledi."

"But... you know what, fine Lesedi, it's fine. I give up."

"It's about time." Ouch, that actually hurt my feelings but it's alright. I will support dad on my own. At least he will have one child by his side.

Now for the message. As soon as I finish writing the message, I run to my mom to read it for her and ask what she thinks about it.

"Dear daddy, I know we have only known each other for a few months, literally but I really cannot imagine myself losing you. I'm not really good with words but I hope whatever I wrote does not discourage you. All will be alright, just know that I love and care about you, which is why you should fight! Fight harder daddy, hope you recover quickly. I love you so much and even if he does not show it, my brother loves you too. Hang in there."

"He is going to love it, it's so thoughtful of you my child. I even love the way you decorated it." Her smile gives me a sense of contentment. I will definitely give this card to dad tomorrow. And hopefully his reaction is just like mom's.

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