Chapter 67

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Chris' POV

I know it's too early to be here but I really need to talk to Mmampho and her mother who is apparently my mother.

I knock on the door in such a rush and a few minutes later, her mother opens the door and all air from my lungs run out. I did not expect it to be her that opens the door. I freeze right there, not sure of what to say. I swallow the lump that just swelled up in my throat. My brain is not giving me anything to say or do for that matter. I'm just freezing in front of our mother, unsure of what to say.

I was tossing and turning all night, thinking about all this. It just did not leave my mind even after I had five full glasses of champagne. It just does not make any sense. I tried to think of what to do from here but my brain wouldn't give me anything solid. What I know is that, I cannot marry my own sister. That cannot happen. I guess I have to bury this love that I have for her.

"Chris." Her mother calls on me, probably shocked by how frozen I am.

"" I cannot even formulate a proper sentence.

"Mmampho is not here, but I'm sure she will be back in a few minutes, you can wait for her if you do not mind. I will make you some coffee."

"I...for... will uh," Come on brain, give me a proper sentence here.

She probably think I'm a weird guy right now. If only I could see what is going on in her mind. Does she not recognise me? I do the first thing my brain tells me, walk away and come back later but I do it without telling Catherine. I just left her and I wish I had eyes at the back of my head to see her reaction to my stupidity.

I drive away, I am going to get a few drinks then come back to talk to Mmampho later.

Mmampho's POV

I get off  at Mavis' house because I don't think I want to do the test at home.

"Hey friend." I say when I get in. Lesedi had already went home.

"Hi. How are you?" She asks. I tell her that I'm okay, then I ask to use the bathroom and she nodded.

I peed on the tip of the stick-like object. I then flushed the toilet then put the tester on the windowsill as I wash my hands. I wait for a little while with anticipation and anxiety. My palms get sweaty and my pulse escalates. Wait, why am I even nervous? This should be a good thing right? But what if Chris does not want to have children with me? What if he likes the fact that he has one son and that's okay with him? What if he is not ready for a child with me?

Come on Mmampho, another unplanned pregnancy? I should be on birth control to avoid all this.

You know what, children are a gift and I should be excited to have my third child and that it's with the person I really love. I wonder how the kids would feel about having another little sibling.

A bigger part of me hopes that I am not pregnant. I take the test to see the results and... well, my mom was right. How did she even know? Why is it so quick for parents to see a pregnant person?

I walk out and when I get to the kitchen, I throw the test on the counter. Mavis immediately leaves her spinach, wipes her hands with a dishcloth and holds the little object in shock. And even though she knows what it is, she still asks, "what is this?" I don't say anything, instead I sit on the sofa and start to think about the pros and cons of this situation that came to me like a bomb.

"Congratulations." I let out a heavy breath that I wasn't aware that I was holding and she asks, "what's wrong now?"

"I'm pregnant, that's what's wrong."

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