Chapter 66

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Chris' POV

As soon as I get into the kitchen, my mother calls me to come to the lounge. She sounds serious. Does she not like Mmampho? Was it why she was acting weird during the dinner? I can't help but worry.

I go into the lounge then sit opposite her. She is facing down, she looks like she is contemplating something and as for me, the suspense is killing me. I can't help but think that she does not like Mmampho. But Mmampho was behaving, what's there not to like?

"What is it ma?" I break the awkward silence with a question.

"You know how a few days ago, I asked to talk to you about something?"

"Yea?" I guess it isn't Mmampho then. A breath of relief escapes my lips.

She bites the corner of her lip. Then a few seconds later, her eyes widen like she just remembered something.

"I forgot to drink my medication, can you please go get it for me upstairs? It's in my bag." Really?


On my way upstairs, I recall the whole dinner in my head. Her mom is a really sweet woman. She talked throughout the dinner and my mom kind of found a friend in her. They got along just fine, just as Mmampho and I had hoped. Even though my mom would stare into open space every now and then throughout the dinner, which was very weird and unlike her. The dinner went well except that Mmampho suddenly started puking. I was really worried about her. It happened out of the blue, since she hadn't complained about being sick. She got me worried, let me call to check up on her.

She answers on the third ring.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I was trying to sleep and you woke me up."

"I'm sorry. I was just checking if you are alright."

"Yes thanks babe. I am. Let me go to bed now, I love you. Wait, I have a feeling that your mom doesn't like me."

"There is no way she doesn't like you babe." I assure her.

"Well, it must be my mom then. Because your mom was kind of off most of the times, and I could see her smiles were fake." I saw it too, but I can't make her think that my mom doesn't like her. I'll just talk to my mom about her behavior tonight.

"Chris!" My mom calls me. I tell Mmampho that I have to go.

"Yes mom I'm on it." I search in her bag for her pills. It takes me a while but I find them.

My phone rings, which causes me to drop the bag because it startled me. Courtney's name flashes on the screen and I answer it, leaving the bag on the floor so that my mom does not call my name again. I'll come back to pick it up.

"Hi Knight, how was the dinner." She asks.

"I am well thanks and yourself?"

"Shame! That doesn't work on me, now tell me, how was the dinner?"

"It went well." I say to Courtney then give my mom her pills. I rush to the kitchen to get her a glass of water then I make my way to her room to fix the mess I made in her bag.

"Great! I have no idea what you were nervous about." She says.

I was nervous, who wouldn't be? I was about to meet someone who brought the love of my life into this world, of course I care about what she thinks of me. She has to like me, she's the one that has to take the lobola money, if Mmampho agrees to marry me this time. I decided to take things a little bit slower since I scared her off with my proposal the last time.

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