Chapter 53

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Chris' POV

"Are you even trying to get over her?" Courtney says as I tell her that I am going out with Mmampho tonight.

"Yes I am. I am just proud of her, I am taking her out as a genuine friend. Nothing more Courtney. She has achieved a lot ever since we broke up. That makes me proud." I explain to her like I am telling  my wife that nothing is going to happen and no boundaries will be crossed when I am on a date with my ex girlfriend that I was so in love with.

"Plus I have to test my progress of getting over her by facing her and not running away. To see if it was all genuine." She sighs and even when I am facing the opposite direction, I know that she just rolled her eyes.

"You are such a dork Chris. I am even embarrassed to be called your friend." She says. She is sitting on my bed and I am getting ready.

Mmampho and I had a great ride last night. It went better than I expected. I thought the whole ride was going to be quiet and awkward but as soon as she broke the silence and found something to talk about, we just flowed like everything was normal between us. I did not think that she was even interested in talking to me. Normally, her pride takes away the chance of us having a proper conversation without sass or sarcasm from her. I have never met a woman as cheeky as her but she really surprised me yesterday.

Firstly, she agreed for me to take her home.
Secondly, she was not sarcastic when I asked her questions, she answered honestly and with humility. Thirdly, she is finally working and going to school, getting herself back up and on her own. Lastly, she agreed for me to take her out tonight. Mmampho agreed. I was extremely shocked.

She keeps surprising me this year, at first it was the house. She does not need me, she did all this on her own and I couldn't be more proud. She deserves this. I will let her order anything that she wants tonight. She needs the break anyway. Three jobs must be a lot for her.

"I am not a dork Courtney."

"Knight, you're the biggest dork I know. Nobody goes out to celebrate their ex's achievements, especially one that broke your heart into a gazillion pieces." She says.

"Well, I do."

"You think that makes you unique huh?" She breaks into a soft laugh.

"No, kind of but... more like a nice person."

"Psht! Complete dork. A dork that just got friend-zoned." She rolls her eyes. "But go on and do your thing. I will always be here to support you. Especially when you come crying  to me telling me that you think you are still in love with her." I spend more time with Courtney than I do with myself and that has made us closer than ever.

"See, that's one thing we don't have in common. You are not a nice person and that won't happen Courtney."

"Sure I am. I am super nice knight." She hasn't stopped calling me knight. I tried to make her stop but I failed, she would not listen. It's stuck now. She says that it's her unique nickname for me.

"I offered you free advice the night we met, it was a Christmas present and you were a stranger. See, I'm nice. I was even offering you more but... you turned me down. For the same ex that you are going to see now." We laugh about that like it's a normal thing to talk about.

"How do I look?" I ask as I turn around.

"Hmm! You wouldn't care if you were not into her." Truth is, I am still into her. I don't think I will ever stop.

"What... we are going to a public place, I have to look presentable at all times."

"You are such a cute dork."

"Stop calling me a dork." I say and she raises her hands in defeat.

"Let's go."

"Is that mac and cheese still in the fridge?" Courtney loves cheese. She is addicted.

"Yes it is, but it is for me."

"But you are going to have nice food at the restaurant." She pouts and I tell her to take it.

I drive her to her place.

I like Mmampho a little but I'm not in love with her as I used to be. This is completely friendly. I have made a huge progress in getting over her. Okay maybe I'm still in love with her but I respect her decision and I will never ask her to get back together again. I have accepted that she does not and will never want me and that's okay. It's the very mature thing to do. I will move on but I must admit, I will never love any woman as much as I love her. Her happiness means a lot to me. I just want her to be happy, with or without me.


"Have fun knight." Courtney says as she gets out of the car, and I drive at a fast speed to Mmampho's house.


"Hey." She says when she opens the car door.

"Hi. You look great." Oh shoot! That's what a boyfriend would say to a girlfriend when taking her out on a date. I should not compliment her. But in my defense, she does look great. She is wearing a black long-sleeved, tight-fit dress that lies just above her knees with black pumps. Her s-curl looks newly-done. She is really taking care of herself. She is holding a black purse and not to forget the bright smile that she has on.

"Thank you, you don't look so bad yourself." She gets in.

"How was work?" I ask, it feels good asking her that.

"It was okay. I wanted to call you to cancel and tell you that I am too tired but I don't have your number."

"You want to stay?"

"No, I changed my mind, I want to go out. But we really need to exchange numbers, if that's okay with you." See, full of surprises.

"Sure, let me call them out for you." I do just that and she saves them.

During the drive we talk about my day at work as well. I tell her how busy and tiring it was. The topics just keep flowing and I start to worry that we will have nothing to talk about at the restaurant. I never thought we would be this comfortable again, like ever.

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