Chapter 52

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Mmampho's POV

And like I had anticipated, the drive is silent. The only sound I can hear is the engine every time he accelerates the car. I haven't been in his car for a long time.

Gosh! I am so tired. I would sleep when I get home but I have to study. I hate how I am not able to manage my time anymore. Juggling  three jobs is not child's play. I don't know what the heck I was thinking when I took all three of them. I need a break.

He turns up the radio and the man on the news speaks about the kidnapping that happened in Cape Town two weeks ago. The five year old girl has not been found yet but the police are still working on it. It's a heartbreaking tragedy. I have no idea what I would do if I lost any of my babies.

Chris changes the station and a song plays. It sounds like a rock band and I am surprised that he did not change the station again. The last time I checked, he was into RnB.

"Since when do you listen to such?" I just had to ask.

"I am trying new things lately. So I listen to various genres now." It's as if I don't know him anymore. New things? Seriously, for what?

"Oh. Good for you." I say it in a mocking tone, expecting a reply from him but instead he keeps quiet and the music playing drowns my thoughts. His eyes are focused on the road and mine move around the car. I start shaking my leg and fiddle with my fingers. I cannot take this silence and awkwardness anymore.

"I work now." I blurt.

"Really? That's awesome, where?" There is so much encouraging enthusiasm in his voice. He looks genuinely proud of me and it causes me to blush. The way he is proud of me, it's as if he is looking at Gift's report card and he got 100% on all his subjects.

I think he noticed that I am shivering because he turns the heater on at that moment.

"Well, it's not that big. It's a fish and chips shop. I also do domestic work on Saturdays and Sundays." His eyes widen and I bet if he was not my ex, he would have given me a hug and lifted me to show how proud of me he is. Well, when we get off obviously.

"So, two jobs?"

"Three. I work for a different woman on Saturday and another on Sunday." I elaborate.

"Wow, this is great news Mmampho."

"Oh yea, I also go to school."

"School?" I keep surprising him but with every surprise, he grows prouder of me.

"Yea, I have night school. Just so I can get my NSC and go to college."

"Wow. You are really doing well on your own. You had a plan all along. I have never been so proud of you." He looks at me and I sign to him with my eyes that he must keep his eyes on the road. I still have a lot to achieve before I die mister.

"Thank you. I am glad you are."

"This is huge. I really want to offer to take you out to celebrate but I am not sure if that's okay with you or..."

"It's okay. We have to eliminate this awkwardness anyway and--."

"Try to be friends?" As soon as he says it, he looks like he regrets it. As though he is scared that I am going to shut him down like I usually do.

"Totally." He seems surprised by my response but yet relieved. This is me being friendly and trying to move on with my life. I am probably going to bump into Chris a lot of times but it cannot be awkward all the time. We are adults, we should be over this by now.

"Tomorrow night?"


"I will pick you up at seven."


We get to my house and I say my goodbyes and thank yous before exiting the car. The last time he dropped me off here, it wasn't as well as now. In contrary to the last time, right now we are smiling and we have tomorrow to look forward to. It's not the end like that time.

"See you tomorrow Chris."

"See you tomorrow Mmampho." I close the door and he opens the window to say, "thank you for not being rude today." Then he drives off before I can respond and I laugh. Well, that went way better than I expected.

Damn! It's very cold today, I should get in before I get sick.

I get into the house and Lesedi is busy on his phone.

"Hey." I greet him as I lock the door behind me.

"Hi, is this the time you get home from work madam?" I laugh at his attempt to act like a parent.

"Yes sir. I had errands to run before coming home."

"Like letting guys drop you off?" He folds his arms in front of him. How did he even see that?

"That was Chris, what are you on about? He gave me a lift, I went to see your dad and sister today." I can finally say your dad without him interrupting with "he is not my father." I think it's weird to say this but that accident was really helpful.

"You did not care to call?"

"Oh dad. I am so sorry. By the way, I have a date tomorrow night." I take the role of a child.

"You guys are--."

"No, we are never getting back together. Chris is just taking me out to celebrate."

"Celebrate what?" He has a lot of questions for me tonight huh.

"My three jobs and the fact that I am going to school."

"Four months later?"

"He only found out about it today. Chris and I haven't talked in months."

"Hmm!" I roll my eyes and head to my room to study. I have a Mathematics test on Monday and I have to practice very hard for it because I have not been paying attention in class.

I lay the textbook and calculator on my bed and read through the little notes I made in class yesterday before I fell asleep. I missed sixty percent of the lesson, how am I even going to pass this? I will just call Lydia to help me when I come from work on Sunday since I have a date tomorrow. I wouldn't want to call it that but yea I am going out with an ex who might be my friend later. Yes, it's not a date. We are just going out to celebrate my small achievements.

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