Author's Note.

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Oh, my Gosh! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 so so much for all these reads. I honestly didn't think they would BE so much. Love you guys so so much cause you're all beautiful and amazing in your own ways.

Anyway, now that I see that you guys crave more, I can finally truly begin a Henry-style story. The first chapters were just a taste of what is coming. I just wanted to establish my Dystopian world. Alert, the next parts of the story will get dark cause I want my characters to grow in a certain way, all the ones followed by Nickelodeon and the ones I'll be introducing in this story.

I repeat, this story will get dark as I follow Team Danger on a whole extra level. Keep on reading and it sure will be fun going on this journey with you guys.
Just to end the confusion (if there was any), this book will run parallel to Danger Force. This book exists in its own universe, where events happening in either Dystopia or Swellview remain in THIS book alone, and will not be mentioned at any point in the T.V. show. Hope I'm clear. This is my first ever Author's Note in Wattpad. I'm not writing other stories at the moment cause I don't want to overburden myself or anything like that. I'm still a 15-year-old year old from Kenya, Africa. Anyway, once I get established as a Wattpad writer, I may start writing multiple stories at a time. If my ideas continue increasing, this story may birth a sequel or much more, who knows! So let's not dilly daily, let's write, shall we?

I will minimize on writing this Author's Notes as much as cause I normally find them interrupting the story's flow, so the next Author's Note may probably be at the middle of the story. Let's do this!!!! remember to vote.

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