Chapter Thirty-Two.

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My best friend since we were five was actually gone. It was so hard to believe that the guy who had given me relationship advice just on that particular night was actually dead. It was hard to believe that he had been murdered in cold blood. I was so taken aback by his passing that I just wanted to cling on to hope that he was still alive. I wanted too so bad. If there's anything that I had learnt from my life in Dystopia was that not everything was as it seemed. Not everything always turned out as you expect it. 

But how could I deny what was right before me. However, if the villains did survive, then why wouldn't the heroes survive too. I suddenly remembered what Miles had said. About how Emma was taking us out one by one. This had been her plan all along. To screw up with our heads just so that we failed. Charlotte was gone. We had to follow her.

"We need to follow Charlotte." I said urgently while looking at her direction of going.

"No," Veronika held my hand.

"This is a journey that she has to try and work it out first. I was in her shoes just a few hours ago. And, I'm not saying that she won't make bad choices along the way, such as getting drunk or just falling apart but I trust that she'll come back to us."

"No. Henry was both our friend. And she had no right to walk out on me like that. We need each other." I said.

"Yes, I know that. But she needs some time alone for her to process everything and to let her anger out. Nothing we'll ever be the same in her life ever again. You know that, right?"

"But what if she messes up."

"Then you'll be here to guide her through. It's the only way she can heal and learn. I thought I lost everything when I lost Noah but now I remember what I once told you. About the small comforts when life gets rough." she said.

"Yeah, and frankly, we ain't gonna wait for her no more. An apocalypse is coming and we don't have enough time to help those who get lost along the way. Emma did this to Bose and now look at him. She has to be stopped while we still can."

Pema drove us to her house. Her living room was small and cozy as we sat down trying to decipher the files in the phone.

"I made some spaghetti tacos. I may be Dystopian but I am a fan of American cuisines." she said as she placed the tacos on the table for us to eat.

"I don't get it. Most of this are just pictures of parts of a cat. And some suit. That doesn't look like secret terrorist plan to me." Miles said, defeated.

"Isn't there like an app or some secret code that could tell us more about their plan?"Veronika inquired.

"Nope, the only files in this videos are these tons of pictures. I hate this scientist! Why use a phone just to have pictures of these!"

"The Chancellor liked cats. Maybe, that's a link?" Pema said.

"Too small. There's got to be more." Miles said.

"Maybe there's some sketches or something?" I asked.

"None. They fooled us, yet again."

"I don't know. Maybe you're going about this the wrong way. Maybe it's some sort of puzzle that we need to crack, you know."

"Yeah, a puzzle.Henry and I..." I stopped, remembering that Henry was dead. My heart ached as I felt my eyes brim with tears.  Veronika hugged me as she whispered, "It's O.K. Let it out. You don't have to pretend like you don't care because you do, and if you don't want to be in the mission, we totally understand."

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