Author's Note.

427 22 3

Hey guys, wazzup. Thanks for 1K reads. appreciate it. Please remember to vote as you read my book. Anyway, I just want to say I love writing this book. For you guys, I increased the length of my chapters in a format where all three central characters have their own point of view. Let me know if you want me to go back to my initial style of one character's point of view for one chapter of the book. Either way, I'm not restricted to any style, just preferences and it also depends on info I want to reveal earlier or later in the story.

Writing this story baffles me. As I was writing,, Veronika had not come to mind. I never thought I could blend her in with Jasper. Unlikely ship, I know (Jeronika or Vasper, I prefer Vasper). Should I kill the ship (I want to keep it) or keep it? Cause I have some comprehensive plans for it. Hope you guys like my style of writing or should I tone it down a bit?

I know I promised lesser author notes but I had to thank you guys for 1K reads. It's helping me grow as a writer. Thanks, keep on reading and I love you all. 😀😁. Also remember to vote. Peace out.

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