Chapter Nine.

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"No, no, but Henry told me the police arrested you five years ago, and no one ever heard from you again," I said as Veronika cleaned the gash on my forehead, " He also told me you did not know that he was Henry Hart and you only knew him as Kid Danger,"

"Well, things have changed," Veronika said. "I've been spying quite a lot."

"You ran off to Dystopia."

"Don't you find it weird Jasper that four years ago, Captain Man and Kid Danger got no news about my escape from jail? Isn't it odd?"

"Yeah it is, that you were Kid Danger's girlfriend, he has you arrested, and he did not understand that you had escaped jail."

"What a thing it is to be human," she continued. "You'll find out everything, in due time,"

"Well, Veronika, you don't strike me as one to be making a deal of some sort so please tell me, why am I tied up here?" I asked, trying to get answers from her.

"Isn't it obvious, I need you for revenge on Kid Danger,"

"Revenge?" I scoffed. "Darling, if you wanted revenge you would have had it ages ago, why am I here? Don't you lie to me. I'm not that stupid. You knew that Henry had a force field, so your big attack on him two nights ago was all in vain.," As I talked to her, I tried to loosen the knots, to untie my hands.

"You think I will believe that you came all the way to Dystopia to exact revenge. Heh, trust me, you would have done that a month ago, and why wait all these years to exact your punishment. Pu-lease, you're not that obsessive over revenge. You're just  another girl who Henry broke her heart, so tell me what's bothering you.  Skip the lie. Just skip the tomfoolery. Start talking to me," I continued to untie my knots further.

Veronika scoffed. "You think you'll see through me through some weird way and maybe I can be redeemed."

"All I want is for you to be civil with me, before you kill me,"

"Jasper, I don't want to kill you but you and your friends may end up being collateral damage in this war so I need you guys to leave Dystopia as soon as you can,"

"Wait, what?" I was getting interested.

"This place is not what you think. Well, it is a crime-infested toilet locked away from humanity, but there is a good reason for that. A tragic reason,"

"What is it then?"

"Why should I tell you, you've been sheltered in Swellview this whole while, fighting pathetic bad guys there who are out to take over the world in some queer ways, well, in this place, the danger and the heartbreak is real, and if you're not careful, it could swallow you whole. So many secrets surround this place, Dystopia. The bad guys here are worse than you could ever imagine and believe it or not, I want you and your friends to stay alive."

"Veronika, you're not making sense, what are you trying to say?"

"The best I can tell you right now is that I need you to leave this country, don't look back. That's the whole reason I sent that anonymous alert to you guys about some evil guy in some abandoned storage facility,"

"So you set us up,"

"Not for awful reasons, I set you up to see if I could frighten you well enough to leave. But it didn't go as planned cause you only sent Henry here. So I just had to make do with him. I attacked him because I wanted to freak out his cyborg girlfriend so that y'all would have to leave Dystopia."

"Why do you want us gone because you realize that with us around, you guys won't be able to commit those disgusting crimes you ENJOY so much to commit? Do you still love graffiti or did you graduate to crimes more violent,"

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