Chapter Thirty-Seven: Bridges of Life, Part Two. (The Finale)

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"Son, before you go, I want you to know I love you, very much," Carl said.

"You don't love me, you only care about yourself," Ray said. "Miles, teleport me to the desert, now."

"You guys don't pay me enough taking you to whatever places in the world," Miles said.

"Isn't the price of saving the world enough?" Henry asked.

"No, money works better."

"Just get me there so I can save the world. The receiver is in form of two pillars, right, old man?" Ray asked.

"Yes, with your indestructibility, all you need to do is place your arms between the two pillars and let everything go."

"Your experiments usually have dire effects. How sure am I it's going to work without giving me a bonus face or something?"

"It will work. I designed the machine myself."

"We'll need backup though. Swellview Police are useless...." Henry said.

"Don't worry. back with the Assassins, I learnt a technique they used to send secret messages. It is used in the military too. I sent a message to the government forces and given the evidence already on T.V. I trust they've figured out everything."

"Why didn't you just tell them everything?"

"It can only take brief messages at a time, and with the lack of power, things are getting hazy. I just hope they crack whatever I've sent them."

Miles teleported Ray to Swellview Desert.

Henry took a bubble from his pocket and transformed into the Dark Shield.

"Miles, ready to get Bose's mom,"

"Yep, I hope it works."

"Me too."

Miles teleported them to Bose's mansion where they found Bose's mom in the living room punching a thug.

"I will not be attacked right after I'm rendered a widow, twice!" she said. The thug lost consciousness.

"Mrs. Willard, we need your help," Miles said.

"Oh! Who's this dark handsome fellow?" she asked.

"Dark Shield, so we don't have much time and we need you to come with us," the Dark Shield said.

"What? First my husband dies, then a power outage, my son fesses up to me for being a superhero, then a thug sent by my 'son' tries to kill me and now some unknown superhero and my son's colleague are here to take me with them? What trouble had Bose get himself into?"

"I'm sorry, you know Bose is a superhero?" Miles asked.

"Um, yeah, you guys were not supposed to know that," she said.

"Whatever, parents can find out in the middle of a crisis. I need you to come with us to save your son," Henry said.

"My son is in trouble! What are you waiting for? Get me there!"


"You should relax," Brett said to Emma who was heaving glasses in the room.

"I will not relax! They shut down the transmitter! Arasha failed and he must be dead right now! At least they killed him for me otherwise I would have just done it myself!"

"But the process is still ongoing. They'll have to go through us to shut down the receiver!"

"The volcano will erupt much later now! They ruined all my plans!"

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