Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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After realizing the cause of the fire, I ran back to the mountain of ashes that was the hospital only to find Jasper still holding Veronika, comforting her after the incident. As he hugged her, Veronika cried into his arms uncontrollably. It was among the most heartbreaking things I have ever seen and that was saying something.

"Come on guys, we need to go." I said, in a hurry to save my Char before it was too late. Honestly, I don't know what I'd do if I ever lost her. I also wanted to apologize and to tell her about how I had been used by the Master and his weird secret society crap. Most importantly, I wanted to tell her how I felt. I didn't give a care in the world anymore. I had put off this one too many times and I was not intending on making that mistake again with her. I wanted to profess my undying love to her. How much I loved her more than a friend. I still haven't quite figured it out since when I've been in love with her. Was it after her crazy dream at the lion's den? Was it those two years we spent together in the Man Cave before Jasper and Piper came along? Honestly, I do not know. But I was down to figuring it out, once we rescued her from Emma.

Jasper continued holding her tight, despite the urgency of the situation. We had to go and save Charlotte, yet they were here canoodling for God knows how long. Maybe I was being inconsiderate but why mourn the dead when you can still save the living? I had no idea how Charlotte would react once she found out about Noah's death. I really hoped that she didn't have immense feelings for him. We had kissed passionately before but now, I wasn't so sure whether she still liked me. She had had a moment with Noah at the pool, something I had heard from Jasper,  which he had heard from Emma. Wait, if Emma was indeed the bad guy, then why did she tell Jasper about Noah. Was it just to completely piss me off or was it for a totally different reason?

I cleared my throat loudly and clapped my hands again signalling to them that we had to go.

"Um, excuse me, we have to go."

"Hen, would you relax! She's grieving here!" Jasper said.

"Grieving? If we don't leave right now, we'll be grieving Charlotte!"

"Charlotte? Why? What happened?"

"She's in danger. We have to go save her."

"No, wait, we need to find out what caused this fire first. The arsonist could still be around somewhere and more Dystopians could die!"

"I'll explain it on the way. Just get in the van. Charlotte is waiting for us."

All this time, Veronika was quiet, except for a few sniffles here and there.

"C'mon Veronika. We gotta go." Jasper said.

"No." she said flatly, her eyes red from all the crying. Her white polka-dotted hospital gown now stained with black ash.

"Veronika. I'm sorry about Noah but..." I started before she cut me off.

"Sorry? You're not sorry at all. In fact, you could care less about Noah or me. Don't lie that you care. You didn't care about me five years back and you don't care about me now."

"Veronika, what are you saying?" Jasper asked.

"I'm saying that I'm tired. You know this is the whole reason why I wanted you guys out. Because with you around, things often get much worse than they already are and you know it."

"Hold on, are you blaming us for this?" I asked, my tone rising.

"I don't know who I'm blaming for this! I don't know O.K. All I know is that my brother is dead, and there's not going to be a funeral for him because he's quite literally ashes."

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