Chapter Seventeen.

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Bose's Point of View.
I felt like I had been walking for hours. Wish Miles were here to teleport me home. To be honest, I wasn't sure whether the route I was following was going to Nacho Ball or home to have dinner with my mom and my step-dad. At least one agreeable thing came out of my life because of my interaction with the vice mayor. I ended up getting involved with the superhero world. Which was amazing? Made me feel like I was good at something at least. I got poor grades at school, I'm a complete douche bag and a failure. What else? But at SW.A.G. I felt like I belonged to; you know. Plus, I had sweet super powers. I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but I have minor trouble using my powers for the right purpose. I still achieve my goal, albeit too late. That was something I was going to work on.

I entered my house after a few minutes and got to the dining room, only to find my mom seated alone at the table, with food there. The seat reserved for my step-dad was empty.

"Hey mom," I said.

"Oh, hey Bose." she said as I kissed her cheek.

"Sorry I'm late for dinner I was caught up..."

"No need, you're not the only one late. Your father isn't here yet."

"My father?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah your father, the vice mayor, whom I just married some time ago."

"Oh, I would have been surprised, you know cause my dad is dead and I'm afraid of ghosts so..." It hurt me every single time I said it. My dad had died of leukemia. I miss him. We'd often go to Six Poles Over Swellview together, go camping and try out golf. He was the only one who never saw me as a total disgrace. My mom would yell at me, but my dad often looked at me with mutual respect. Called me his little genius, though I have a feeling he was pulling my leg on that one.

"Bose, I know how tough this has been on you. I understand, but we need to move on. And I can see you and my husband are getting along just fine, you know." I had to admit. The Vice- Mayor and I got along pretty well. He cared to know more about me and we had loads of fun together. Though, he would never fill that full dad-shaped hole in my heart. He was trying. And that had to count for something. My mom wanted to make this family work, and I didn't want to disappoint her. She IS my mom.

"I miss my dad, you know." I chuckled. "But the Vice-mayor is outstanding too." I said as my mom wrapped me in a bear hug. "Aww, honey."

"Have you heard anything from him cause he was supposed to be here an hour ago but he isn't?"

"No, have you tried calling him?"

"Yes, I've tried calling him but it keeps ongoing straight to voice mail. I hope he's O.K., I'm sure he just got caught up in some meetings. You know how politicians can be."

"Yeah, I do." I said. I was thinking of something else. He was missing for an hour, so maybe this was a crime. This could be the break Danger Force needed so that Ray could begin trusting us. But I decided that I was going to go alone. I needed the respect of both Ray and the rest of the team. They always looked down upon me. It never took me. I was going to prove them wrong. Maybe I was being paranoid, but maybe I wasn't. I headed to City Hall and checked in. If he wasn't there, then I'd just assume that he was having an affair. I mean, that's how grown male politicians work with their secretaries, right? Deep down, I hoped that wasn't the case cause I liked the guy, and I didn't want her to break my mom's heart. She was all I had. So I guess I feel kinda protective over the Vice Mayor cause he had the keys to my mom's happiness. And I intended to preserve those keys without ruining the lock. With him, my mom felt alive. I didn't want to lose her.

"Um mom, I got to go, um, smell the front porch." I lied. That was one lie we learned at SW.A.G. Schwoz said that Kid Danger had used it once and it had worked. Wow, and they call me stupid.

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