Chapter Fifteen.

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Ray's Point of View.
At the Man's Nest.
It was all chaos there. I could hear Mika and Schwoz talking as I felt something crawl behind me. It was Bose.

"Bose, could you get off of me, it's just a stupid power outage. Nothing to be worried about."

"But I'm scared, I want my mommy."

"Bose for crying out loud, you're a superhero in training, quit being such a baby. Schwoz, turn the generators...". The lights came on again. Bose was on my lap.

"Get off of me," I said as I removed him from my lap.

"That was weird," Mika said.

"The power just went out for like nine seconds."

"No need to worry Mika. This has happened before. Except that the last time it went out like this, Drex was being held by us so he got out and tried to erase me and Henry out of existence in the past but hey, we have no villain here, so we are safe."

"Hm, I don't know Ray. If I remember, last time we got an alert from the news before it happened but now, it's like it was uncalled for." Mika continued saying.

"Oh, come on, you are now being Charlotte 2.0, worrying about something so petty. Nothing bad. Just a silly outage. Quit being so insecure."

"Allow me to jog your memory. A year ago when the power went out, Rick Twitler was trying to destroy the internet."

 "Rick Twitler is in some asylum with no memory of us or what happened."

"Hasn't history taught you something about that guy? Even when you get rid of him, he always has a backup plan."

I groaned. What could she be talking about?

"He sent awful guys to attack your sidekick's family just to distract you guys long enough as he extracted his master plan. Then he put Kid Danger in such a situation where he had to lose his superpower to save the world. He also had his plan working for a long time even before you guys knew it, with the large guy who talked to a towel, Halloween when you entered another dimension, that atomic bomb that almost blew up the whole of Swellview, and he also stole the world's most poisonous cactus. All while you guys didn't know what was happening."

"Ugh! Mika, no one likes talking memory cards. How do you know so much about Rick Twitler, anyway?"

""The first thing I did when I got here was run a check through the criminals in Swellview to see their fighting history with you guys and all that," she said.

"Oh, so you're a geek." I told her.

"Ooh, sweet burn dude." Bose said and slapped me with a high five. Mika rolled her eyes.

"Need I remind you he also devised the Omega Weapon was to take away your indestructibility for your destruction, leading to a chain of events that ended with us getting super powers and you faking your sidekick's death."

I realized. What if Mika was right? Power outages in this town only occurred when we caused them, the government caused them, or some insane super villain caused them.

"All I'm saying is that we need to be careful. That power outage was not just normal."

"What if it's Chapa? She has electric power. Maybe she did this," Bose said. "Plus, I also think she's a witch." Bose whispered. Mika gave him an odd stare. I was used to this. But what if Bose had an idea? Maybe what he said was true. Not the witch part, but that Chapa may have caused this power outage.

"Bose has a point. Maybe it's Chapa, and she needs our help."

"Or maybe it's Chapa, but her powers are spiraling out of control and shutting off our power supply."

"That's a theory." Schwoz said. "But according to our radar, Chapa didn't cause the outage, because I saw her moving in and about the tunnels in Swellview. Unless our radar is wrong which would surprise me considering the fact that I made it."

I scoffed. "It's just nothing. Otherwise our alarms would have detected a change."

"I hope so, just be careful Ray," Mika continued warning me. This girl was wise beyond her years. Plus, she didn't trust me either. She was so different from her brother who laid back and believed that he was destined for greatness, that his path was already set out for him. Hm. That was food for thought to me.

Bose's timer beeped.

"Guys, I've got to run. It's time for dinner and you know, my stepdad's the Vice Mayor, so wouldn't want him to find out our secret. Bye." Bose left  for his dinner.

"Speaking of the Vice Mayor, shouldn't you tell him that an earthquake is imminent and that people ought to evacuate Swellview?" Schwoz said.

"Whoa, what an earthquake." Mika said, surprised.

"Schwoz says that Swellview's earth is becoming unstable and we need to evacuate Swellview and the surrounding areas."

"Hold on, why are we just getting this information from Schwoz? Shouldn't it be on the news or something that we should leave. Aren't seismologists getting this info? Schwoz, what's the source."

"Mika, calm down." I told her.

"Why are you so calm about this."

"Because last time Schwoz predicted something like this, we believed that the world was ending in a few days."

"O.K. That was my bad. And it only happened once. This one is genuine. It is. I can't seem to tell the source. Whether it's natural or it's something else."

"Schwoz, until you figure out what this 'source' is, I'm not going to anyone."

"Gah, you never listen to me."

"Yeah Schwoz, I don't, isn't that something you've learnt about me by now." I said as I pushed Schwoz out of the way. Mika was getting exhausted with our antics. My phone beeped. It was an alert from my dating app.

"Hey, would you look at that? I got a response." I said.

"Ray tried out a dating app as soon as he told Henry on the call that he broke up with Kim Dampers." Schwoz said while stifling a laugh. "Surprised he got a response from anyone pretty, considering how old he is." Mika tried holding back a loud laugh.

"You shut your dirty mouth Schwoz." I said to him,

"Oh and look, she's hot and we're going on a date right now to Sotto Voce. How do you like me now, suckers?" I said. 

"How could you just set up a date like that so," Mika said.

"Well, guess she is in love with the muscular Ray Manchester." I said while showing them my profile pic. 

"Mmm, so you're gonna go on a date, ignoring the fact that one kid you're supposed to be mentoring is missing." Mika said.

"Well, Tammy's gonna show up O.K.,"

"Her name's Chapa."

"I know that." I said.

" I gotta go. Schwoz, where are those gum balls that put me in a hot tuxedo,"

Schwoz threw me a gum ball. I blew it and there I was, in one hot tuxedo, ready to impress this woman., I needed a life. Not sure if I wanted kids though.

"I'm off to my date. Don't ruin things when I'm gone."

"Yeah sure,"

I left for my date, unaware that my date was  the same person who had kidnapped Chapa.


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