Chapter Thirty-Three.

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Carl Manchester was busy gobbling up all the food. He was emaciated and his eyes were sunken. He ate the tacos like their was no tomorrow while we impatiently waited to get him to start talking. Miles was pacing around the living room while Pema eyed him suspiciously. We were getting restless and the'mad genius' rather than helping us was eating all our food. We were so frustrated but that was the least of his concerns. All he cared about was the food.

"Could you just stop eating right now!" I yelled at him.

"Yeah, we're running out of time. And you're not helping us at all. Why were you trapped there? What was your relation with the Kakumei? We want to know!" Miles shouted urgently.

"Can't a man just eat his dinner? Geez!" he said exasperatedly.

Veronika dragged the plate away from him.

"No more food for you until you start talking!" 

"Please bear with me. I haven't seen or tasted American cuisine in such a long time. And being trapped in that place made me so hungry and lost. Please, just one more," he begged.

"No! You get nothing until every single thing is explained to us!" I said firmly.

"Fine. I'll tell you everything."

"Great, now start talking!"

"Many years ago, I worked for a government lab. One time, they sent me some blueprints and special scientific information. They wanted me to help create a weapon that could destroy Russia during the cold war. I didn't know that at the time that that information was special."

"Special, how?"

"It helped me design and create a machine that could make things indestructible. I had planned to test it out on humans and that was when my son, Raymond, came in his skateboard and had an accident. That accident, however, turned him into the world's most indestructible human being."

"Then what happened?"

"Unfortunately, the original owners of that information came looking for it and scientists who could join them. The people, who were once pure, turned into monsters who wanted weapons to destroy the country that had turned against them; the Kakumei. They had worked so hard to keep peace but they were assassinated by the government then, led by the treacherous Willard Jones."

"My dad never ceases to surprise me," Veronika said sarcastically.

"So, all the scientists who got the Kakumei's precious information, were abducted. They made us do experiments to create people with supernatural abilities. Led by Maywell Pritt, otherwise known as Emma, we helped this country grow. We devised its own language, its own money, all while hiding the truth about it to the world. That this place was rich in radioactive minerals, that we used in our experiments. We also created a large distinction between the rich and the poor, by threatening whomever came here with scientific annihilation. And with that, Dystopia was born. Outwardly, it's the most pathetic nation out there, but inwardly, it is doused with so many resources, which of exploited to its fullest, may lead to the end of mankind as we know it. But had good people been under it, the minerals would have been used to change the world."

"Why did you join them? The murderers," Pema asked.

"Because I had no choice. Word went around that I had made my son indestructible, into one of the monsters that they had tried so hard to create. So I tried to get off the grid. Unfortunately, they kidnapped my wife. And they killed her. They threatened to do the same to Ray if I didn't come with them. Over the years, I had to lie to Ray that his mother was still alive, so that he wouldn't go through the pain of losing a mother. I didn't want him to turn cold because I had shut him out from the world. I stopped him from going to school because I didn't want them to catch him and try and perform experiments on him. As a lie, I told him that I was training him to be a superhero, but that enticed him so much, that he began training for real. Ray had always been awkward socially, and he felt that with his gifts, he could become more popular. Unfortunately, they caught me, and while using some of their agents to distract Ray, I had to join them in their madness."

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