Chapter Nineteen.

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Ray's Point of View.
I walked silently to the Sotto voce ladies' room. Boy, didn't I have a thing for the crazy ones. Look at where it's got me now, close to two-and-a-half decades in the dating world and I'm still not married, tragic. Emma pushed the gun hard against my back, carefully shielding it so that no one else could see it. I thought of jumping on her, but then thought back to Mika's plan. If she was pressing a gun against me, that meant that she could know my secret identity. I attacked and render her unconscious later, take her to the Man's Nest, and find out info about her. She had betrayed me. And I really thought she liked me, the way she kissed me. What a faker!

"Ray Manchester, try nothing stupid cause you seriously have absolutely no idea what I am capable of," Emma threatened.

"Look, Emma, I don't know what's happening, but on a normal date, girls don't murder their dates," I tried saying, feigning innocence.

"Really Ray. Do you really want to play coy with me? I know you're Captain Man so Don't Push It. Make it easier for me," We were approaching the restroom.

"Open the door now!" she commanded me.

"Jesus, you're so bossy," I said, not knowing what exactly to say. Honestly, she was confusing me. If she knew I was indestructible, then why go through the pain of the gun, knowing that it couldn't hurt me. Dang! Even the restroom in Sotto Voce was classy.

She immediately locked the door and turned to stare at me

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She immediately locked the door and turned to stare at me.

"Kneel, hands up!" she commanded in a low tone. And there I was, in an 1000 dollar tuxedo, kneeling on the floor of an expensive bathroom, my arms raised above my head, a pistol pointed directly at my heart, by the woman who I was supposed to be sleeping with right now. How anti-climactic!

"Now Ray, I suppose before we go to more serious matters I'll ask, how was our date. I mean was my kissing and pretentious flirting way over the top or should I take it up a notch further," she said, a smile across her pretty face.

"Nope, you were just right, you really had me fooled. And I thought right now we'd be in a motel room, having fun," I replied honestly.

"Now Ray, don't get upset," she said while fake pouting. "To be fair, I've used this technique on so many pathetic men and they all fall for it, I even have sex with some before I assassinate them."

I glared at her contemptuously. This woman was definitely a demon.

"But Ray, I must hand it to you, of all the guys I've fake-gone out with, you win the prize. You're charming, hot, funny and by far the best kisser. You really know your stuff, don't you?"

"Get to the point,, sweetheart. What do you want with me, you deranged maniac? Wanna kill me or you want to wipe out everyone at this restaurant just as you did in City Hall," I retorted.

"We're cutting to the chase already. Just when I wanted to get to know you better. Anyway, it hurts me that on our first and last date, you look at me with utter hatred and revulsion." she said as she touched her chest.
"You're breaking my heart."
I gritted my teeth. I was raving mad at her. Ugh! She was so frustrating.

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