Chapter Twenty-Nine.

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Bose released his grip on me and I landed hard on the floor. Disorientated, I grunted in pain and turned to face Bose who was hovering over me. He kicked me hard in the shins. I saw Emma break open the door to the room where Charlotte was being held hostage.

"NO!" I shouted, unable to stand to stop Emma.

Bose laughed evilly. "What happened to you? You are supposed to be one of the good guys." I asked, completely shocked by Bose's different demeanor.

"Let's just say I switched sides," he sneered.

"No, she did something to you, didn't she?" I asked, remembering how Minyak had musically brain warped Charlotte to destroy me and Ray.

"Wow, and I thought you were dumb. Guess the time I spent with you was too short."

"Snap out of it, you're Brainstorm, the superhero who saves people. You have to fight the evil," I said desperately, trying to turn him over to our side.

"You know the last person who tried to do that ended up having her heart carved out, not very surgically I might add. I wouldn't hesitate to assign you the same fate!"

"No, you are a hero. Ray's apprentice, just like I was. You need to snap out of it."

"Face it, the old Bose is gone, and he ain't coming back. No emotional tether will bring me back!"

"You just said 'me'. That means that the good you is still inside, somewhere. He just needs the proper encouragement to come out!"

"You're wrong! Now get up and fight me like a man. It gives me the thrills when I see my opponents try to win a fight they've already lost."

Bose was no longer the sweet kid who was the step-son of the Vice Mayor. He was a monster who needed to be stopped. If I was going to save Charlotte, then I'd have to lower the fighting chances Emma had. Bose was a formidable weapon for her. If I managed to find a way to stop him, it would be so much easier to stop her. God! Where is Jasper? Isn't he hearing any of this!

"I'm not fighting a child," I said adamantly, "much less someone who has the potential to be just like me." I said. I knew how uncontrollable my powers could be. There were other ways of stopping Bose rather than attacking him directly. No way was I risking killing Bose. I had felt so guilty over lives I had not even taken. What would happen once I took a real life? And a child's life at that. No, there are always other ways. If there's something I've learnt over my time in Dystopia is that things aren't always as they appear to be.

"God, you are such a coward! No wonder you quit as Kid Danger, because you couldn't take the heat! You had things to lose, such a stupid college future. That is where we are different. I have nothing to lose because I can get whatever I want. I wield so much power that you can't even comprehend. You tried to test yourself with responsibility here in Dystopia but you've failed so far. Face it, you'll never be a true hero if you have something to lose. If you can't sacrifice something or someone you love. You will always be weak and live in fear that you'll be alone at the end of the day!" he said cruelly as he lifted me up in mid air and swung me across the hall, into a room, crashing the door in the process.

The pain was excruciating. Charlotte needed my help, and I was here arguing with a child! I had to evade Bose and get to that room, somehow. Things were cluttering and breaking all over, and I couldn't help but feel worried for my best friend's life. I wasn't going to lose her, no, not that day.

Bose walked over to me and crouched down and stared at me straight in the eyes as I grunted in pain. My lower lip was bleeding.

"You don't wanna fight me. I'll accept that. But then you'll still have to fight, not against me, but against your friends. You will help us get Charlotte, one way or the other." he said as he stared at me straight in the eye. Suddenly, my head began pounding so hard. I felt all my senses abandon me as my vision became hazy. All of Bose's words kept on ringing in my ear, over and over again as everything became blurry. Bose's hypnotic voice kept on ringing in there and I felt so defenseless. My mind opened up to his and I felt compelled to do whatever he said. I had the insatiable urge to follow his orders. I tried so hard to fight it but I couldn't. I had lost all my freewill as I realized that I must follow his command. I knew that it was wrong but I was so helpless. I.....helped them.

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