Chapter Eight.

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Henry's point of view.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, I did something bad, I did something bad, this wasn't supposed to happen. Damn it, Charlotte was right, I'm in serious trouble. What am I supposed to do?" I said while biting my nail.

"Charlotte, that's it, she'll know what to do,"

I called Charlotte. "C'mon, c'mon, answer the freaking phone Charlotte,"

"Wassup, did you join the secret society?" she asked.

"No, I didn't and I think I might have hurt Jasper," the ground shook again, sending things out of control again. I heard people grumbling in the other rooms, where the secret society meeting was.

"So the two earthquakes that just happened, it was you should have known. Told you your powers are out of control."

"Yeah, I get it. You were right and in a fit of rage I may have catapulted Jasper out of the room and into the night. Donno where he is or whether he's still alive cause, he just flew out and maybe he hit a rock or fell in the water or fell in fire or maybe now I'm realizing that I've just murdered my best friend and I'm FREAKING OUT CHARLOTTE, I'M FREAKING OUT!!!"

"Relax, I'll find him O.K.? We'll find Jasper. Jasper always comes through kay. I'm at base. I'll run a scan from your location and see what I can find. In the meantime, you worry about joining that secret society."

"What?! How can you tell me to worry about some stupid secret society when my oldest best friend is out somewhere, bleeding and on the verge of death. How could you tell me to RELAX!"

"OK, I'll be headed to where you were. I'll set up a wireless connection with the computers at base so that whatever they find will be relayed to me. Meanwhile, we look for Jasper the good old-fashioned way,"

"I'm going. Any more minutes I waste talking to you brings Jasper closer to death, so I'm out,"

"Wait...." I hung up. Know the powerful emotions I am feeling the guilt. Jasper had done nothing wrong. All he was trying to do was tell me the truth that I had tried to deny. That I had feelings for Charlotte. Wow! And I thought Swellview's life was messy. I needed to find him before he was too late. Some people came out of the lecture hall. I asked one girl,

"Hi, who got to join the secret society,"

"No one did, they postponed the challenge to tomorrow because of the earthquake,"
I sighed. They killed two birds with one stone.

"Whoa, did the earthquake do that?" she said as she stepped over the shattered glass.

"Yeah, kind of," and with that I ran through the broken glass and into the night.

Charlotte's Point of View.

I had set up the connection already and was now headed out to find Jasper. I'd also set it up to track down the identity of the other American girl who had enrolled at the university. I had also set them up to find me the backstory behind Noah Sparks. I had to find out what it was he that made him seem so broken. Couldn't organize a search party because, well, it hadn't been 24 hours yet, half an hour. That said and done, I had to deal with more pressing issues first, find my best friend Jasper hopefully alive and clean up Henry's mess afterwards. All I could hope was that Jasper was alive cause if he wasn't then I didn't know if I would ever forgive Henry, ever.

Henry's Point of View.

I was trekking through the woods right across the road from the university, calling out Jasper's name.

"Jasper! Jasper!". My voice echoed through the black woods .

God, why wasn't he answering? I couldn't bear the thought that maybe he was dead. Heaven knows that I'd never forgive myself if I killed Jasper. I'd probably kill myself afterwards. Charlotte will never forgive me. NO ONE would ever forgive me. I'd even wind up in jail. I started breathing restlessly again. I was breathless and having yet again another panic attack. I couldn't bear the thought of losing Jasper.

I tried calling him again,, but he wasn't picking up the phone. It probably crashed on impact with the hard ground. How'd my life come to this?

"Please pick up," I said, on the verge of tears. I miss him.

"Please, wherever you are, I'm sorry," I said tearfully in a heavy voice. Rarely did I cry. But this was one of the few times I saw the need to. I couldn't stop thinking about the splendid times we had together. 



"Daddy, please come back home, I beg you," Jasper Dunlop said tearfully in Henry Hart's bedroom, secretly using the phone Henry Hart had given him. "Daddy, I miss you."

"You know I can't do that sweetie, you and your mom will be fine. Hey, you're all going to be fine, I just need to go somewhere OK and Daddy will be back soon O.K., I love you,"

"But Dad, who will read me bedtime stories while you're gone. Mommy will never do that cause she's never home at night. I never see her nowadays,"

"Hey champ, it's all going to be O.K. huh, you listen to me never stop fighting O.K., never stop fighting. Never stop."


Those words lingered in Jasper Dunlop's mind as he slowly regained consciousness. He opened his eyes and groaned. Blood was dripping from his forehead where he had injured his head earlier. He had a feeling that he had a concussion. He tried to remember how he got there, but his head hurt from an incessant migraine. One he desperately needed medication for. He tried to make heads or tails of his surroundings and looked at his feet. He was tightly tied to a chair, his arms and wrists knotted behind his back. His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair. He tried to shake them free,, but they were too strong. His vision was a complete blur when he woke up, but he could see his room. It was painted in many graffiti and was old and a tad creepy. He recognized the room. It was in the same room, in the same house where Henry was attacked. He had seen it on BlackGuard's computers. But what was he doing there? He squinted again and could make out a youthful woman busy at a desk. Oh no, he came to the tragic conclusion that it was probably the same person who had tried to murder Henry the other night. He needed to save himself and fast.



"Daddy always says that family sticks together forever. Guess he lied because he's now leaving us," Jasper Dunlop said as he wept bitterly in Henry Hart's bedroom. " I thought he loved me, guess I was wrong,"

"Hey Jasper,  your dad loves you, he always will," Jasper stared at Henry with his red eyes.

"Even if he does, I don't have anyone now, mommy may give me up for adoption because she's never around, "

"Thanks Henry for the phone," Jasper tearfully continued saying.

"Jasper, never think for a second that you don't have anyone, you'll always have me. From now on, I'm your brother and our bond will stay always and forever O.K.?"Henry Hart said comfortingly to his best buddy and brother.

"O.K., always and forever," Jasper said as they pinky swore over it. Henry and Jasper cuddled up in bed and slept soundly, their unbreakable bond having been established permanently.



This was pointless. I tried calling Charlotte again, but it was useless. I sat at a rock exhausted when suddenly, my whiz watch beeped. It was Charlotte.

 "So Char did you find Jasper?"

"I just found out where Jasper is and who may have taken him, and you will not like what you hear,"

Charlotte told me. I was shocked beyond words. I couldn't believe it.


The woman came towards me and sat down in a chair right in front of me. I raised my face slightly to look at hers. God, everything in my body hurts.  The woman I had seen before, somewhere. I just couldn't figure out where.

"Hello Jasper, I believe you are a friend of the former Kid Danger. You may not remember me but I remember you well, Herbert with enormous feet." she said


"Yes Jasper, you and I have a lot to discuss."

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