Chapter Twenty-One.

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Mika's Point of View.

I saw a white bright light as my vision was blurry. I feel the water in my lungs. In an instant, I inhaled a deep breath and gasped, opening my eyes, struggling to cough out all the water from my lungs. I kept on coughing out the water. My hair was dripping wet, and I was drifting in and out of reality. I didn't know what was happening to me. I couldn't tell what was real from what was unreal.  At first, I thought was in the afterlife, but Bose's soft voice debunked that theory. I could see the relief in his eyes.

"Mika, you're O. K! Thank God you're O. k.!" Bose exclaimed and as he wrapped me in a warm bear hug. I placed my arms around him rather, trying to comprehend what was happening. Bose was panting as he hugged me, and a surge of emotions swept over me. All I could think of was that I almost died. I was almost killed, and it was my fault. I cried into Bose's shoulder. 

"Bose, I..."

"Sh, it's O.K. I'm just so glad you're alive. You scared me half to death. Never do that again." Bose whispered into my ear. He was in his Brainstorm costume. His hug was so comforting as my tears flowed onto his shoulder. All I needed at that moment was someone to hold me, someone to tell me that everything would be fine, and Bose was right there. He was ALWAYS there for all of us. The events that had unfolded filled my mind. For instance, I didn't see any of the thugs and the warehouse door was still open.

"Mika, we got to get you to a hospital or something. You almost DIED!" Bose said as he broke the hug. I was aching to know what had just happened.

"Bose, why are you here? You should be with your mom comforting her. What happened?"

"I realized that he was gone, he would never come back. So why waste your time mourning. It still won't fill the hole that's left your heart. One that could never be occupied by anyone ever again. So I did something that would have ensured that he remained alive, which was to catch these guys and make sure they pay for what happened. He's counting on me and I won't let him down. He hoped to me."

"No Bose, you can't..."

He placed his finger on my mouth. "No, don't talk. Just preserve your strength. I'm getting you to a doctor right now." Bose cooed.

"Bose I'm fine. There's no problem with me. Quit worrying so much."

"Mika, we need to go to the doctor now."

"No, I already told you, whatever you've done, saved my life. I don't know what happened, but we need to get to that warehouse and see whatever's inside those boxes."

"Checking those boxes could take hours."

"Not if the one in charge left the inventory records in his pocket." I said. Just then, another dark thought came to me. I had killed those men, which is what led that guy to drown me. I had killed his brother. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that. The guilt was eating away at me so. I didn't know what to think of myself. All I could think of was what if those people had families, and I had deprived their families of the chance of ever seeing them again? I didn't care about going to jail or anything. All I cared about was the damage I may have caused to their loved ones. 

We headed to the warehouse.

"Bose, you stay here and be the lookout. I'll go grab the guy's phone real quick and get out." I didn't want Bose to see all those bodies and begin asking questions. He'd never look at me again. I tried to fake a smile, to muster my guilt and soldier on, but it was killing me from the inside. The intense melancholy I felt was unfathomable. It was gnawing at me, killing me. I couldn't show that side of me to Bose. 

"You sure about that. Last time you did that didn't go so well. I'm staying by your side no matter what," Bose said.

"No, if someone attacks us when we are both inside then we wouldn't have a chance but if you act as a lookout and be my guard, then we'd have a better chance of tackling anyone who attacks us." To be honest, I did not understand what I was saying. I just didn't want Bose, or anyone for that reason, to see that side of me. That dark side that always made my brother mock me. No, I would not let that happen. Bose agreed. 

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