Chapter Twenty-Two.

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The pathetic witch slowly closed the opening. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. She had murdered Miles in cold blood, even after he desperately begged her to spare him. I was sick and tired of all of this. Maybe joining this stupid crime fighting thing had been a terrible idea. It had caused us nothing but pain and heartache and I didn't know if my life would ever be the same again. The sadness was slowly swallowing me, eating me alive, making me fall deep in darkness.

The thought of losing Miles was haunting me. And the saddest part was that I could do absolutely nothing about it. I was here, chained up and sedated, unable to use my powers. Thanks to her actions I could tell was at Swellview Mountain. I didn't understand what she wanted me to do. I highly doubted if she had a vendetta against Captain Man, but with the secrets that man always kept from us, you never know. I didn't know that someone in this world could be so cruel, so cruel as to kill a child to pass a message. I never thought someone could be so heartless that she'd let a kid watch as she murdered one of her best friends. I thought no villain could ever do that. Hell, I was wrong. There's so much darkness in this world, so much that a kid my age could even comprehend.

I had always complained when things couldn't come my way, especially when that guy stole my phone or when Trent and Mary gave us those unfortunate nicknames on the news. I thought those were among the worst feelings someone could ever have. Burt now, with all this darkness creeping about me, I knew that the worst feeling someone can ever have is losing someone they care about, and knowing that they cannot save that person. With all the loss that had been coming our way, with Bose's dad and Mika's brother dead, all I could think of was whether any of my relatives was next , with the killing spree this monster before me was enjoying.

At that moment, all I could feel was absolute hatred, at all the anguish she had caused, all the pain. Letting me watch my friend die before my very eyes. She was cold and indifferent. I was helpless before her. She was keeping me alive at her mercy and there was nothing I could do. Any way this story goes would end up with more innocent people being collateral damage. And what angered me more was that she was enjoying every moment, every moment of our pain. She was so sadistic; I wanted revenge but there was nothing much I could do, other than scream out loud. I just wanted someone; anyone to hear me out. But my deafening screams were not heard, no one responded. And I knew that the longer I stayed with this woman, the longer I was walking on a thin line regarding my life. Desperate, I screamed my lungs out as I looked at her spitefully.

"You murderer, you witch, you sociopath, you killer!" I said, spitting out every insulting word my mind could think of.

"Would you relax! If I wanted your friend dead, I would have killed him ages ago." she said sadistically.

"What are you talking about? You just killed him before my very eyes. He begged you for his life and you took it anyway, just as punishment for trying to rescue me!" I said tearfully.

"Jesus! Haven't you caught on yet. Your friend is not dead. I don't want him dead."

I looked at her quizzically. This woman was demented. She had daunted Miles and then thrown him off the mountain. No one could ever survive a fall like that.

"If I wanted your friend dead, I would have just strangled him here and then, or killed him at that cottage, to get the job done quickly. The whole reason I threw him off the mountain was for dramatic flair. When I want someone dead quickly, I don't waste my time talking so much. I'd rather finish them and be done with it."

I shook my head, utterly shocked by her calmness. Yet Miles' body could rot many feet below.

"I threw him at a spot where I knew he'd still be alive. Only merely scratched by thorns. Where he's fallen, there are vines, which will break his fall. The clump of trees right below this mountain."

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