Chapter Twenty.

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Mika's Point of View.
The frigid air blew past my hair. I could taste the salt in it as I hurriedly ran past a docked ship. The Pacific was always beautiful unless you will investigate certain crimes. Schwoz had sent me information on a certain company that had been shipping machinery from Dystopia to here, from five years ago, which was around the time all this drama with the Vice Mayor had begun. I was determined to catch the culprits and finally put this drama to rest. These guys had killed Bose's dad.Bose was so devastated. No one deserves what he got - no one. His dad HAD to be avenged.

The place was a hubbub of activity. Large cargo boxes and cranes being offloaded from ships and being placed in a certain warehouse. I kept on hiding, afraid of being seen and my cover being blown. If there were many terrible guys, then I'd take them out with my sonic screams. I had given much thought to what Ray had said. That our powers were tied to our emotions. I realized that it could be true, as every single time my power worked effectively, I was angry. Though my powers went all destructive then, cause I inadvertently released every criminal from Swellview Prison. Guess I'm still paying the price for that, considering the narcissistic remarks Ray always has been making about me since that day. I hid behind one gigantic box at the bridge separating the ocean from the warehouse and contacted Schwoz on my whizwatch.

"You're sure they are delivering now Schwoz," I said of Schwoz's hologram in my hand.

"Yeah, it's now. Sweetheart, when am I ever wrong?"

"I guess never for science but always for common sense." I said.


"Any word from Ray?"

"No, I keep on calling him but he won't pick up. I have a feeling something bad may have happened so I'm headed to Sotto Voce with the bear-proof suit."

"Wait, won't you look weird in that thing? I mean Sotto Voce is classy, you sure want to have rich people all up in your business."

"I don't care, so long as I find Ray and still be alive to tell the story."

"Fine, any word from my brother?"

"Yep, he just popped up from Burj Khalifa a few minutes ago, I told him to do exactly as you said. Plus, he will check out the region stretching from Mt. Swellview to the Swellview Desert to see what things these guys have been doing with the area."

"Bye Schwoz," I quickly hung up.

"Dang it! I've always wanted to go to Burj Khalifa." I said to myself. The one time Miles' superpower could take me somewhere awesome, I'm not even there. I bet he swam at the Dancing Fountains and got kicked out or something. I mean, he always believed that 'the path would guide him' or whatever. A stupid sentiment he got from a Chinese cookie. I believe in facts, but I always believe that he's an insecure phony. He better not let me down this time.

I crept my head above the box and saw some large burly men conversing. It was definitely not English, and judging from my understanding of the languages, it sounded somewhat like Dystopian. Why was Dystopia involved so much in all of this? Ironically, the oldies (Henry, Jasper and Charlotte) were supposed to keep Dystopia in check. Now it seems like their evil was being sent to us. Sounds like the so-called newbs are doing a much better job than them.  I think we were the better team. I just wondered when Ray would see this. I mean, we all had superpowers; we did this job full time, and we weren't constantly hiding things from him, except for this dangerous mystery I was headed to solve.

I looked around to ensure no one was watching and popped a gum ball and changed into my Shout Out costume.  All the men were dressed in black, save for a man dressed in a white coat, whom I assumed was some scientist. 

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