Chapter Thirteen.

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Charlotte's Point of View.

It was early morning, and I had two choices to make. Either go to school, find Noah and get a reasonable explanation or stay here hoping that Veronika wouldn't be too stingy with information. We HAD saved her ass, so she owed us that. Plus, I couldn't burden Jasper with so many questions on what had truly happened that night cause to be honest, he had been really upset. I also needed some answers from Noah. But now that I think of it, there are more pressing matters at hand, such as the fact that Henry didn't even tell me if he got into that group or whether he was O.K. He had ignored me on our walk home and couldn't even tell me what had made him shake the ground like that. His powers were scaring me. A LOT.

I know Henry. If he ever killed anyone because of those powers, he would never live with himself. But help was on the way. Thanksgiving was close and our promise to Ray still stood. I headed us there for Thanksgiving and hopefully Schwoz would explain to us why his powers were going from force fields to tremors by a second. I would have to make some time to talk to him. Something was up, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I checked him out in his room. He wasn't there.

Henry getting up early? Something was DEFINITELY up.

"Hey Jasper, have you seen Henry anywhere?" I asked Jasper who was preparing breakfast to take to our 'sick tenant'.

"Yeah, he left early in the morning. Didn't say WHERE he was going. He just took off like that,"

"What do you mean he just 'took off like that', that is so unlike him to do? Are you guys still having a falling out?"

"Nope, at least not on my part. He felt guilty about the accident so I guess he needed time alone, to, you know, think, Think you might know where to find him."

"I think I do." He was probably at the Dystopian Bridge. Thinking? I presume. I was torn whether to go find him or whether to find Noah. Anyway, if Henry needed time alone, maybe I should just give him some space to breathe.

"I need a favor from you,"

"What do you need?"

"Looking at you, I can tell you're not headed off to college."

"What for? We have already solved the mystery on the girl and Henry's investigating the secret society as we speak."

"I thought if you're staying home, whether you could try to extract some information from Veronika as you do so." Jasper sighed.

"Something about this complete mystery doesn't add up."

"No kidding."

"I mean think about it. Veronika shows up here, an old enemy from Swellview first attacks Henry and then saves your life afterwards. She gets shot by some unknown assailant and then you save her life by bringing her here, where we help her. Then, some mystery guy called Noah Sparks tells me to leave this place with you guys. Saying there's darkness around here. There's a thin line between good and bad. That it's always....

"...grey areas." Jasper completed. Henry had told me the same thing on the bridge. But what did it mean?

"Veronika may have explained to me what those grey areas mean."

"Really?" I asked curiously.

"Thin line between good and bad. We came here to Dystopia to solve the crime problem and just arrested everyone we saw committing a crime of theft or something. Veronika told me that most of these guys are martyrs. There are people desperate to get food, an education, because they don't get it here, so they steal. Veronika also said that we are the 'rich kids' shielded from evil by Steven Moore. I think she was right."

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