Chapter Twenty-Three.

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Bose was sound asleep next to Ray Manchester, peaceful, unaware of the crisis that had befallen me. Or maybe aware,  that's for you to tell. Ray Manchester was in a similar crisis, unconscious. Only time would tell whether he would wake up.  It was as if the makeshift school had turned into a hospital ward. I was lost for words, biting my finger as I paced about the room. It was only a few hours ago that Bose had kissed me. The mere thought of losing him terrified me. I did not understand the hell that had befallen him.  Miles kept his cool and was trying to pass the same message to me, but the message was not driven home.

"Mika, you've got to relax. They will wake up, everything will be all right." Miles said cooly.

"What do you mean everything will be all right?! Every single step we've made so far has only taken us back. We tried to trap Emma, but she had plans for Ray. I tried to figure out what was in those boxes at the docks, but things went haywire.  Bose tried to save Emma but Emma got away and now he's comatose. Chapa could as well have died from the explosion..."

"Chapa didn't die from the explosion. You need to chill."

"Well, she could have. We have no evidence that she wasn't in that fire. Maybe Emma did whatever she wanted with her and finished with her. Who knows?"

"I know, my path has already been set up..."

"ENOUGH with your path crap!"

"Whoa Mika, I'm a child."

"I don't care about paths and destiny and life callings. Our paths are clearly set out by those who are more powerful than us, and we're defenseless against them. That's what this woman is doing to us."

"Is that what you believe?"

"Yes, it is! She's the one dictating our destiny. Don't you see? It's over! She knows our secret identities. She already killed Bose's dad. What's stopping her from killing our relatives. I say we take the risk and go after her."

"Since when do you take risks? Maybe you should relax. Is there something you're not telling me?"

"I'm not hiding anything from you."

"That's hard to believe. Ever since you saved me, there's just been something off about you."

"So I save you, and now there's something off about me. You're right, there is. Cause I like you better when you're tied up by plants and can only grunt in pain!"

Miles looked hurt. But I was spiraling. Ever since we had begun that stupid mission, nothing was under control anymore. Ray was dying, Bose was asleep, they kidnapped Chapa, all while we knew nothing of this people were up to. The most unfortunate thing was that the only one who could figure out what these villains were up to was busy hacking a phone and trying to figure out what was wrong with our absentee boss. He had also begun testing Bose and said that nothing was wrong with him.

"I'm sorry, Miles. I didn't mean that. It's just that we're all tired and hopeless because Ray isn't around. I don't, I'm cut out for this kind of life. It's draining me." I sat down and sighed. We had all been working non-stop, yet the most painful part was that we were still nowhere. All the information we had got so far was useless. The docks plan didn't go, and I thought it would. Despite Bose's chitchat, I still felt guilty about killing those people. Maybe it was because it awakened memories that I had wanted to remain buried. A tragic story. Only Miles knew about it and I wasn't ready to tell Bose about it just yet. I had tried to push it to the farthest recesses of my mind, but it kept on gnawing at me. I wanted peace, and I knew that as long as I didn't see someone about it, it would eat me alive.

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