Chapter Thirty-One.

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Henry is gone. He's really gone. My best friend for as long as I could remember was dead. The events of that night kept on replaying over and over again in my mind. The love of my life was dead. And he died trying to save me. He died because I let myself get captured. He had been blown up to smithereens. I loved him so much. The pain of losing him was too much to bear. I cried and cried, while Veronika tried to comfort me. Jasper was silent throughout the whole car trip. Pema was driving us to her house where we could decipher the code that Miles had brought us. Though we were close to finally piecing together Emma's plan, all I could think about was Henry and his beautiful smile. All I could think of was the fact that Emma had successfully killed someone else. First Noah, now Henry. My love life was a mess. What sort of world do we live in? Where people murder one another?  

Pema had told me that Emma always believed that what she was doing was to please her father but when I saw her there, her eyes, she was close to snapping. Emma was losing her mind with all this planning and she was getting more dangerous than ever. She was ready to snuff out whoever stood in her way, right then and there. She had turned an innocent kid into her own personal minion. She had turned Henry against me. The kiss hadn't worked. Our love wasn't strong enough to break whatever mind control Bose had on him. I had failed. All I knew was that whatever the circumstance, I would always love him, dead or alive. He was my all and I had lost him.

"Pema found me tied up behind the warehouse. She helped me escape. As soon as I did, I teleported back to Swellview to get this," Miles said lifting up a phone in the process. "My sister got this phone from one of their scientists. Schwoz was working on deciphering it but Bose kidnapped him before he could do so. This phone is the only thing we have that can help us put an end to this." 

"So where are we headed now?" Veronika asked.

"We're going to my place. To figure out whatever hidden files that are in that phone. It's safer going to one place rather than staying on the road and killing all our gas."

"Na-uh. That's probably the first place they'll look for us. Doesn't Emma know where you live?" Veronika said sensibly.

"Have you forgotten? She thinks I'm on her side. She thinks that I'll help her. But she's dead wrong and we're using that against her. Plus, I know that most of you are hungry, so we need to whip up something first if we're putting a complete end to this."

"I'm sick and tired of running from these people. They have already put us through so much. They killed Henry." I said, in between sobs.

"Wait, guys, how sure are we that Henry is dead? I mean they just blew up the warehouse. I don't think they were inside when they did so. So maybe they took Henry along with them," Jasper said making me feel a twinge of hope. Maybe Henry really was still alive.

"Veronika, it's a possibility, right?" Jasper asked.  Veronika remained silent, a sign of her uncertainty.

"Guys, I don't want you to get your hopes up for nothing. Emma killed my brother ruthlessly. I don't want you guys to despair when you realize that he's dead. This is exactly what Emma wants. She wants to ruin us from the inside, so that we fail. When she killed my brother, I felt so angry and sad that I jumped into things. So did you guys, you were so determined to save Charlotte that we didn't come up with a solid plan. They were ready for us."

"No, they had a secret weapon, Bose. Emma did something to him back in Swellview and now he's all screwed up. I don't know what he's done to my sister. All I know is that if they have Chapa and maybe even my sister. And Schwoz too. They want to take us out one by one. We can't afford to jump into things. We need to plan these things out well." Miles said.

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