Chapter Thirty.

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I had failed miserably. I was one heck of an idiot. Dark Bose had fooled me. As he lifted me using his mind-jarringly strong powers, I felt my body getting hotter. I started sweating profusely and it didn't take me too long to realize that I was up in flames. I was burning from the inside out. He was killing me. I couldn't do anything about it for he was far too powerful. He was slowly killing me and the pain from burning was so searing.

I tried to scream for help but all I could do was mumble some incoherent words. I felt every part of me burn so rapidly. All I could think of was all the things that I had always wanted to accomplish in life but had failed in doing so. I wanted to go to college, start a family, see the world, to die old. But I was going to die a failure, not just as a failure who failed my best friend but as the person who failed the whole world. Dark Bose had risen and he was going to hit the world by storm. He was going to work with a bunch of terrorists and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. Seeing Bose like that was scary. The sinister grin that had been plastered in his face as he watched me die in misery.... was too much for me to fathom. Bose was gone, and so was I, and there was nothing I could do about it. I breathed my last and all of a sudden, the world spun at an angle and everything turned black.

I woke up, completely unaware of where I was. Not being very religious, I didn't believe in an afterlife, heaven and hell at that. My eyes were open, but all I could see was darkness. Darkness had surrounded me, it was all over me. I was in some dark void of the sorts, alone. It was worse than hell itself, I was alone in darkness. All my earlier thoughts on hell were that it was some burning place for all eternity. Were those legends false? Was hell just a black void where your worst nightmares come to life? But then again the legends say that hell is the place where all the bad people go to, but I had always striven to be a good person, aside from the murder at the docks. Now I was lost in some dark world. Guess that's why they are called legends, because they are not true.

The pain of being alone stung me. I stood from where I lay and began walking aimlessly. I had no sense of time in that void. It was pure darkness. I tried screaming but my voice was merely echoed through that void. As I walked, tears flowed freely through my eyes. I hadn't wanted to die. Not just yet. To make matters worse, Bose was gone as well, and I couldn't tell anyone about the plan. They were in the land of the living and I was obviously dead, so...

Just when I thought all hope was lost, I saw a teenage boy in an orange T-shirt with black stripes. . He had long silky hair. It was Bose.

"Bose? Bose!" I shouted at him, but then he faded into the darkness. I had been hallucinating. He had disappeared just as quickly as he had appeared. 

"I'm going crazy. I'm going crazy. I'm losing my mind. I'm losing it," I told myself rapidly as I continued walking clutching my shoulders, looking down. I was so forlorn, so alone. I was scared, yet I was alone. I was scared of losing myself in that void.

"Anyone else in hell! Anyone? Could anyone else tell me what time it is? I feel like I've been walking for hours!" I said sarcastically, yet I was harboring so much pain inside me.

"There's no one else here. It's just the two of us!" Bose said. 

I wasn't sure whether it was real or just another hallucination. I began stepping back in fear.

"O.K. I've lost my mind." I said in a squeaky voice.

"No you haven't. Technically you ARE your mind!" he said. Bose had his original hair, the same snarky sense of humor, the same gorgeous eyes. It WAS him!

"Bose, I can't believe it's really you!" I exclaimed happily while running to hug him. I hugged him so tightly but his arms were still to his sides. It felt so good to see him, and to have him in my arms again. I didn't want to let go of him. Seeing him pixelate like that had really scared me.

Realizing that he was resistant to the hug, I broke the hug. His eyes were so downcast and sad. He began crying.

"I'm so sorry Mika. I failed you." he said in between sobs.

"What?! No, Bose, come on, it's O.K." I said as I hugged him again yet his hands were still on his sides.

"It's O.K. darling. You did what you could. And if anything I'm glad I'm not in hell alone!"

He placed his hands on my shoulder and looked at me strangely. God! His eyes were so beautiful.

"What do you mean, hell? We're not in hell. I'm not even sure if hell is real or not."

"If this isn't hell, then where are we? And how do you even know that it's not hell!"

"Because we're still in my mind. I can feel the vibrations outside this place."

"But? Dark Bose..."

"Dark Bose got rid of us. He didn't kill us. He knows that he can't kill me. Dying only occurs physically. Instead he banished us from the main part of the brain and sent us to this prison world version of it. I'll always be a part of him and he can never fully get rid of me. The best he can do is silence me. He must think that he killed you but as long as your physical body is alive, you're still there."

"Wait, if that's the case, then why couldn't he kill me, why was I sent here instead?"

"Because you'll always be a part of me. No matter how hard he tries, he can't shake you off," he said sweetly making my stomach fill with butterflies.

He sat down and look at the blackness beneath him. I sat next to him.

"I'm so sorry. I failed the world. You counted on me to fight the darkness but I couldn't. It was too strong," he said as he cried.

"Hey, don't wreck yourself. You did what you could." I said, trying to comfort him while rubbing my hand gently on his shoulder. 

"That's where you're wrong. I didn't do anything. When I heard about all the crimes my dad had committed, I totally lost it. I got so mad and got so sad at the same time. He made a fool out of me and my mom and had a relationship out of wedlock. He had an innocent man arrested. She took advantage of that and gave me some chemical. I wonder what havoc I've already wreaked in the world."

"No, no, Bose, it's not you. It's him. He is a totally different person from you. You're kind, smart, sweet and the strongest person I know. Whatever Emma did hasn't changed who you are. You know who you are."

"Dark Bose isn't entirely different. Just as I'm a part of him, he's a part of me too. Emma just amplified him to do her bidding but Dark Bose has always been there. I have always tried so hard to keep him buried within this black void. And when he came out, I wasn't ready. His darkness consumed me. It was so cold and I was so...alone and vulnerable to him. I couldn't even fight. I just let him turn me into Ray and let him go along with his plan. I felt his darkness everywhere, Mika. I was so scared." he said as he looked at me, tears escaping so freely from his eyes. I was devastated.

"You know I'm starting to think you were right." he continued.

"About what."

"About this powers. Them being a curse."

"Listen to me Bose. I was wrong. I was devastated then that I didn't know what I was saying. These powers are not a curse, they are a blessing, given to good people. We got superpowers because we are good. It was our gift. Yet you don't need to have superpowers to save the world. All you need is a good heart which you have, Bose. You're not evil. And with those gifts we got, we can take on anything that comes our way. You're a good person. And we WILL get out of this place. We WILL be free. We cannot lose ourselves here. We can't give up hope."

"Hope," he chuckled dryly. "That's a beautiful word considering our circumstances."

"It is. And I'm hopeful that all this will be over soon. I will not give up, and neither should you. Never give up hope."

He nodded. "Never give up hope." he repeated.

He hugged me as we both shed tears, sad that we were trapped, but happy that we were trapped together.

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