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Hi there, my lovely readers. Thank you guys so so much for this many reads. I really never thought I would come this far in my story and for that I thank you. You've been with me for the past one month and your support really means a lot to me.

Anyway, writing this story has not been easy. I never really had an outline to begin with. To be honest, the story's idea hadn't been fully birthed until around Chapter Eight. There are so many things I've had to tweak as I write cause writing this story is like creating my universe, except I'm only using Henry Danger and Danger Force as a guideline. This being my first book, I learn so many things about myself, the major one being that I'm a HUGE pantser. I just jumped into this story because of grief over Henry Danger's end. I thought this story would have just been, say around, 5 chapters or something. Your voting and constant encouragement has really pushed me forward.

As a disclaimer, to all the readers who are maybe fifteen and below, I want you to be very careful. A kid complained that my story was too graphic for him. I would never and I will never compel you to read something that's not appropriate for your specific age bracket. That's why I had changed the setting to Mature Content earlier on, cause I'm very graphic in my depiction of scenes. Please read at your own accord, and if you feel like the story is becoming too much, stop reading it.

The thing is, you guys have really lifted my spirits. Whoa, I can hardly believe that I've written I'm almost done writing a full feature length novel. This has been fantastic.

Guys, I know you're sad, but this doesn't mean that the story is ending soon. You never know what I may cook up soon. There are still many words coming out soon (I say words because my chapters are long 😂) Who knows, maybe even after this story ends, there could be a sequel., it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility, 😏.

In a nutshell, thanks for all the love and support my darlings. I'm deeply indebted to Y'all. Chapters coming your way soon and be prepared for one explosive finale. Also, I've been thinking about adding some music as I post my chapters, as the perfect depiction of the emotional turmoil the characters may be undergoing. I have some of the best songs in mind. I may or may not be doing that, I'm still fifty-fifty. I've also been thinking about posting Original Work of my formulation alongside Henry Danger fanfics. Not just poetry, my own stories, with my own characters, setting, time and place. Just thinking about it though because I'm having so much turning Nickelodeon characters into my own. It really is very fulfilling.

Keep on reading, stay safe and chill. Peace out. ✌️

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