Chapter Eighteen.

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Mika's Point of View.
"Bose, it's time we leave." I said urgently. We were still looking at the burning building as we heard the blaring sound of sirens. Schwoz had phoned the police and the fire department and they were on their way. Bose was devastated, but I remembered the late Vice Mayor's warning. We had to look at the footage from that flash drive and quickly pass it to the government. Whatever was in that disk was very sensitive and could as well be a threat to national security. Swellview Police was unreliable, leave them with the footage and I wouldn't be surprised if they left it at the next showing of the Boo Man Group, or at the zoo where a tiger is giving birth, or at some Nacho Ball. Remind me what the work of the police in this town is.

Bose, distraught, stood, and we quickly got out of the scene in the car.Last thing we needed was interrogation from the police and long hectic investigations that could eat away the precious time that we didn't have. Soon this information would be on KLVY studios, and Trent and Mary would make some crude remarks about this. Funny they hadn't been fired yet cause they really REALLY get on my nerves. I mean Oopsie Girl, really?

Bose was sadder than ever as we both sat in the passenger seats at the back. Bose's eyes were a blank stare looking at the windscreen, but his eyes were brimming with tears slowly. I placed my hand on his shoulder, unsure of what to say, but I knew that I had to try.

"I'm so so sorry Bose." Bose turned his face to stare at me and wrapped me in a warm hug, as he wept breathlessly. This wasn't fair. Nothing about this was O.K. Bose was literally the sweetest person I had ever met, and he lost two parental figures in his life at such a young age. Why did unpleasant things always have to happen to principled people? People who didn't deserve it at all. It was so complicated.

Bose finally broke the hug and said,

"You know Mika, the worst part about this is that if I had come sooner, then maybe, maybe..."

"Hey, don't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault. We could have tried to save him, but it would have been impossible in that short amount of time. Do you get me?"

Bose nodded his head.

"Honestly, I don't know what to tell my mom. How any of this happened. I'd sure as hell hate for her to find out from the news that she's lost another love." Bose chuckled slightly. "When my dad died, my mom was broken, she was sad, didn't eat, drowned her sorrows in alcohol, and then yelled at me afterwards. But when Willard came into her life, it's like a light began shining in the deep, never-ending darkness. She was happy. Going on dates. I hear weird creaking noises from her bedroom." I smiled.

"Next thing you know they're married, and are planning to have a kid, and now, as if nothing else mattered, his life has been snuffed out from him, right before my very eyes and what hurts the most is that there was nothing I could do about it. All I could do was just stand and watch. I really AM worth nothing."

"Bose, never think for a second that you're worth nothing. You mean a lot to all of us. You make us smile, make our days' worth-while. Even in a dangerous crisis, you find the bright side of any situation. Plus, you really care about your mom and her happiness. Someone like that isn't worth nothing."
I paused as he continued looking at me.

"Listen, about your loss, trust me, you will wake up and feel you hate everything, everyone. You will wake up and you'll hate the sun cause it keeps rising every single day like it's nothing, yet it's a bleak period in your life. But trust me Bose, it gets better, it WILL get better. And you're not alone. In case you need someone to talk to, a shoulder to lean on, I'll always be here for you, Kay?"

"Kay." Bose said as he smiled appreciatively.

"Aw, so cute, you remind me of Henry and another girl called Babe from New York," Schwoz quipped. I rolled my eyes. The nostalgia never ends with these guys.

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