Chapter Twenty-Six.

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Four Hours Later.

"C'mon Veronika! Please wake up!" I said desperately. I was at her bedside, constantly tugging at her to wake up. We were on the run from Arasha, and in the process of running, her stitches had come loose. I desperately wanted her to wake up. We were at the Dystopian General Hospital, very much close to Base. I guess we should have taken her there in the first place rather than have a makeshift operation with air which was not disinfected. Charlotte and I should have known better than to do that. Her wound was dirty and needed cleaning. Henry and Charlotte were not picking up, which was wildly annoying. I remembered the doctor's apprehensive look when we had told her that we hadn't taken her to a real doctor. It's just that I had thought that it'd be too late and that that hospital wouldn't be very reliable.

I have to admit though. Her hospital room was pretty spacious and fine to me. I'd pay them with our work credit card, using funds from the Chancellor. Her wound had already been disinfected and restitched and I was here desperately longing for her to wake up. She had given me a serious scare, and we were still not safe at that hospital, if by any chance Arasha was still at Base. She began to stir and her eyes slowly fluttered open. She turned and saw me at her bedside and smiled.

"Herbert, where am I?" she asked weakly.

"I'm so glad you're awake. You're at the hospital. You've been hurt pretty bad."

"Guess operating at home isn't safe at all, huh? Hold on, which hospital is this?"

"Dystopian General Hospital."

"Wait, I oddly think that it's remarkably close to Base, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but you're fine, and that's all that matters. Considering everything you told me."

"No No. It's already been established I am the one Arasha wants. Why drag yourself to this mess?"

"Last I remember, he fired shots at both of us, so it's safe to say he hates Americans in general."

"Mhmm," she said when the hot female nurse walked in.

"Hey, you O.K.? I'm just here to give you your painkillers," she said sweetly.

"Thanks. Hey, how do you deal with people with gunshot wounds so well?" Veronika asked.

"This is Dystopia, remember? People get shot here all the time. Safe to say a reliable hospital is needed."

"Yeah, for those who have enough money!" Veronika replied coldly. The nurse suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna go now," she said and quickly left the room, leaving the painkillers at a table.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"They treat paupers like garbage. They got what they deserve!"

"Why are you so hellbent on helping this people?"

"Because, they remind me of me, my brother and my mom. We were like that too. But theirs is much worse, because they are also discriminated against. They are homeless people who were taken up by these monsters, used, and just disposed off to prevent anyone from finding out."

"You were at the university. Where do you actually live?"

"Haven't you already figured it out yet?" she sighed. "I lived in that old warehouse, along with some friends?"


"Yeah, lived. In their search of me, the terrorists killed some of them. That's why we ended up leaving that place and going elsewhere. I was on the run, and I took a huge risk just coming back here, to the capital, to warn you guys. That's why I don't want to drag others like them into my mess."

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