Chapter Ten.

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"Char, I just screwed up big time with Jasper. I mean, I don't know if he'll ever forgive me ever again. He's fallen victim to my antics one too many times."

"Yeah Hen, but he will forgive you, eventually. You guys always come through. It's just going to take some time for the wounds to heal, but you guys will patch things up," Charlotte said reassuringly.

"I sure hope so."

"You never told me why your powers went haywire last night. You literally caused an earthquake. Luckily, I erased the footage of the earthquake from the school's cameras. Sure, I hope I did it early enough. So what caused your powers to go off?"

OK, so this is where I lie that I wasn't jealous of Charlotte hooking up with some guy called Noah Sparks.

"Uh, um, it was Jasper's teasing, he took it too far this time. That's why he was talking about 'the truth' last night. You know Jasper and his jokes can really get on your nerves." I lied. Technically, I didn't lie, I just told a half-truth. Half-truths always work out.

"I get it. But I told you to be careful with those powers. We might end up exposed to worse, someone might end up killed. Why don't you just find some time alone and start training yourself to get those powers under control,"

"Yes, I will Char eventually but right now I've got to distract myself from Jasper. Wanna go out to some restaurant or something, not a date, I will not kiss you or anything like that. You know, just as friends." Charlotte chuckled.

"I would but you know I'm going for classes." she stuttered as she said so.

"Wait, we already know that it was Veronika who jumped me the other night so shouldn't we like drop the undercover act already."

"OK! Hen, it's been a day since we began this undercover job and you already want to drop out of the mission." I groaned. I did NOT just earn myself a Charlotte Page lecture. Nope.

"Fine Char, I'll stick to the plan where I try to get into some secret society or something," I said begrudgingly.

"Yeah, and I just sent the Grand Chancellor alerts that you order a nationwide search on Veronika so that at least we can get somewhere with all this drama," she continued as she stuffed another pancake in her mouth.

"Well, I'm sure that this will get my mind off Jasper. I desperately need it. Speaking of Veronika, didn't you find it a tad odd that she saved Jasper's life? Why would she do that after she jumped me the other night? The timing is too perfect. You don't think this is her own weird way of saying sorry, do you.?" I asked.

"Highly doubt it, don't you remember this is the same way she tried to put you against Ray except she never kissed Jasper this time, I think."

"Mm mmm, I don't know Char. Jasper's lips seemed pinker than usual."

"Or maybe it was blood," Charlotte said as she grabbed her purse and headed out to school.

"Things will be fine with Jasper, just hang in there," she said reassuringly.

"See ya Hen, and I need you to join that secret society."

"Kay bye." Charlotte left.

I tried Jasper's phone again. Went straight to voice mail for the millionth time. I left the exact message I had left him initially, in the other 999,999 times.

Hey Jasp, it's me Hen, just checking in to make sure you're OK. Look, I just really need to talk to you and when you're ready, you know where to find me. Love you bro.

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