Chapter Twenty-Four.

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As I slowly opened my eyes, I quickly caught glimpses of my surroundings. I was in the Man's Nest and it surprised me when I saw myself, Bose, Chapa and Miles seated at our desks with Ray 'teaching'. It was a memory. I was standing at the door to SW.A.G., looking at 'us' laughing and making fun of Ray's coat.  This was bizarre. Too bad, there was no way I could communicate to Schwoz since we did this in a hurry. I wondered which part of Bose's brain this was. Maybe that was the real Bose.

"Oh, c'mon dude, NO ONE can pull that look off!" Chapa said, laughing at Ray's ridiculous blue coat, with khakis to match.

"You look awful! What were you thinking?" Miles said, laughing.

"Shut up! I can pull it off, and I won't let children criticize my dressing style. You don't know what you're saying! This would make the perfect undercover suit!"

"Are you kidding me?! That outfit is not one that you go out on a date with, especially when she's a criminal. She'll immediately barf at the sight of it!" 'I' said.

I was still outside, reminiscing those times myself. I smiled as I saw each of us laughing at the good times. I wondered if the Bose seated there was the real Bose.

"O.K. Maybe I'll just ask Bose, I'm sure he'll love it!"

"I'm sorry Ray but I detest that outfit in the worst ways possible," Bose answered.

"You know you Danger Force kids think you're SO SMART. But the old Team Danger was so much better. They understood the concept of undercover fashion!"

"Undercover fashion? Are you even hearing yourself right now?" Chapa said.

"Yes, I am! And I completely agree with me."

"O.K. That's enough, Ray. Anytime we don't agree with you in your choices, or the way you lie to us about your age..." I had begun.

"Lie about my age? I'm thirty!"

"Thirty? Oof, then you do NOT age well. I wonder the way you'll look like when you turn fifty," Chapa said rudely, "like an old disgusting prune!". We tried to stifle a laughter,, but we were failing at that.

"An old prune? How about I show you what this young, still very attractive prune can do!" Ray said and took a laser gun from his pocket, shocking us all.

"Whoa! Relax dude, we're just children trying to get on your nerves!" Miles said defensively before Chapa interrupted him.

"No, no Miles. Let him attack us. I'm excited to see how much my powers can do!" she said, sparking her volts.

"Your powers are no match to mine.  I'm indestructible and still maintain an attractive face."

"Did you just call me 'destructible' and 'ugly'?" Chapa said, standing up abruptly. Ray took a step back.

"I didn't say that. I just mean that..." Ray began stammering, when Chapa screamed and released her powerful red volts at his butt.

"Ah! O.K. You had your fun. You can stop now!" Ray began whimpering.

"Teacher?" Chapa said mischievously. We all looked at one another.

"Yes," Ray said, his hands behind his back, his face contorted in horror.

"RUN!" Chapa whispered.

He whimpered and began running, Chapa in passionate pursuit, swinging red volts at his butt as he ran along. All we did was look at each other and laugh.

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