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(a/n: the prologue is ahead of a few chapters timewise. so like, the prologue happens a few months after this chapter of you get me.)

"So then the answer would definitely be X?" Chae said to the three girls.

They all seemed to be interested in what they were talking about, but only three actually were interested.

Lisa was actually wondering what any of this stuff meant. She saw numbers on the whiteboard, but none of it made sense.

"Ok, well then we're done for today." Jisoo said, smiling. Lisa closed her book with a soft sigh.

"What's wrong, Lis?" Jennie asked her. The question took Lisa by surprise, no one was ever concerned about her feelings.

"Oh..it's nothing. I'm just tired." Lisa lied, and the three others believed it.

They had stayed late after school to study, but whatever they said went through one of Lisa's ear and straight out the other.

She really wasn't smart. She was just friends with Jisoo, Jennie and Chaeyoung because of family connections.

They were the best of friends, but they were also known as nerds. They didn't care, as long as they were all together, they were happy.

They exited the classroom into the bright halls, only lit by the March sunlight shining through the many, many windows.

But at the end of the hallway stood five girls. Jisoo, Jennie, Chaeyoung and Lisa's worst nightmares.

Red Velvet.

"Well, well, well. What are the angels doing here so late?" Seulgi asked mockingly.

"W-We were studying." Jisoo said, trying not to sound nervous. "Of course you were." Seulgi said, before slapping the books out of Jisoo's hands. "Pathetic." She drawled, watching the girl scurry to pick up her books.

"That's rude." Lisa stated abruptly. Her three friends looked at her, alarmed. Lisa even surprised herself. They never back talked Red Velvet. No one did. It just wasn't done.

"Excuse me?" Wendy scoffed, pushing her way past Irene and Seulgi. "I said, 'That's rude'. Because it is." Lisa's voice came out, loud and clear, much more confident than she felt.

She saw Seulgi and Irene exchange glances, before looking back at her. "We have to go. You're lucky, Manoban. If we didn't have to be somewhere you would probably be dead by now." Seulgi hissed, before turning on her heel and retreating back down the corridor, the other four right on her tail.

Lisa's three friends looked at her, shocked. "Ya, maknae! Who knew you had so much confidence!!" Jisoo cried out.

"You totally intimidated her." Jennie gushed.

"That was amazing, Lis!!" Chaeng said, staring at the youngest in awe.

Lisa blushed. "Someone needs to stand up to them and put that Seulgi bitch in her place." Lisa shrugged.

"But it was amazing!" Jennie said. "I just said it was rude. No biggie." Lisa said, wishing they'd let it go.

"Jennie's right, maknae. Chikin on me!" Jisoo said, to which they all cheered.

They made their way out of the school, happier than ever.


(a/n: this is two days later)

Jungkook strolled around the empty corridors, whistling a tune he had heard on the radio.

He was waiting for his girlfriend to be finished with this 'thing' she had to do.

He halted when he heard people's voices. Girls' voices.

He peeped his head around the corner, where he saw 6 unmistakable figures. Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, Joy and Yeri of Red Velvet, talking to that nerd he gets his homework answers off sometimes. Lalisa, was it?

He stared, listening to their conversation. The tension in the air told him that the conversation wasn't exactly pleasant .

He couldn't hear them clearly, so he decided to just join them. He was part of Bangtan, so they wouldn't care, right?

He walked down nonchalantly. "Hey babe." He said, putting his arm around Red Velvet's youngest, Yeri.

"Ah, Jungkook. I'll be a tiny bit longer. You can stay if you want." She said, her eyes trained on Lisa. He nodded. "I'll stay."

Seulgi barely even noticed. "Not so confident now, are we?" Seulgi asked Lalisa. Lalisa was staring down at her feet, probably not wanting to talk to Seulgi.

"Cat got your tongue?" Wendy barked. Jungkook roller his eyes. Wendy was always trying to be like Seulgi, it was so annoying.

"You guys are horrible." Lalisa finally said something. Well, she actually whispered it. "What?" Irene's voice trembled as she spoke.

"I said your horrible!" Lisa roared. They were all taken aback by the sudden outburst, and Seulgi was enraged.

Seulgi grabbed the chocolate milkshake that sat in Joy'a hand, dousing it all over Lalisa. I had been watching with a look of amusement on my face until this.

There is a point when someone knows when to stop, but Seulgi just saw red. It didn't look like any of her friends were going to stop her.

"Seulgi, let it go." I said in a warning tone. She rolled her eyes at me. "As if—" She began to say.

"Seulgi." Joy said, her eyes on the girl who was covered in milkshake. "Fine." She scoffed, walking away.

"Hey— I'll catch up with you, I just n-need to get a book for homework." I lied to Yeri, and she smiled and nodded.

When they were gone, I ran after that girl. "Hey, uh- Lalisa!" I yelled. She slowly turned.

"What do you want?" She asked bitterly. "Hey, I didn't pour a milkshake over you." I said defensively.

"I guess." She said, letting it to. "Here, take this while you're going home." I said, taking off my jacket from my uniform.

She took it cautiously. "Why are you being so nice?" She asked hesitantly. "Don't get used to it, Babydoll. Return it to me tomorrow." I said, turning on my heel to catch up with Yeri.

"Babydoll?" I heard her say in disbelief behind me, before yelling "Uhhh- Thank you!"

I chuckled. That girl..she was interesting.


this chapter is terribly written, im so sorry! thanks for reading, stay safe!

-mina 🥰

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