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Jennie stared blankly at the path in front of her. It was 6 pm, and she was sitting at a deserted bus stop. Her parents were fighting again.

Whenever they fought, her and her brother would usually sneak out just to get away. But her brother was staying at a friend's, so she went herself.

She didn't know when she would go back. She looked around at all the happy people, having fun. A sad smile crept upon her face.

"Why are you staring at people while smiling? You look deranged." Jennie jumped at a deep voice, before turning to see a tall boy in a gray sweater. Kim Taehyung.

"Oh..I was just...thinking." She avoided his eyes. "Should you not be at home?" He asked her.

She shook her head. "No. I'm not going back there right now." She sighed. He examined the girl. "Come inside, I'll buy you a coffee." He offered.

Jennie stared at him skeptically. "Why are you being so nice?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Fine, I won't then." He huffed, walking away. Jennie jumped and grabbed his arm. "No, wait! I was just wondering. I'd love a c-coffee.." She said, removing her hand from his arm.

He smirked at the small girl, before walking into the coffee shop, the girl trailing behind him.


Jisoo looked down at the math problem, figuring it out in her head. "You're really pretty, you know that?" The boy in front of her said, which caused her by surprise.

She blushed, trying to act cool. "S-Shut up." She said, trying to focus her mind on the problem. "Will you come to one of my soccer games? Because you're the reason I didn't get kicked off the team.." He let out a window wiper laugh.

Little did Jisoo know that Kim Seokjin was nervous with a girl for the first time in his life. "Now why would I do that." She mumbled.

"Pleeeaseee~" He whined. She deadpanned at him. "I'll get you chicken afterward?" He suggested, and her face lit up. "I'll be there." She said, before breezing out of the room.

Jin watched the girl leave wistfully.


Lisa looked at the boy in front of her. "You invites me over here to...play video games?" She asked in disbelief.

"No, I'll be done in a second. Chill, babe." He said. "Don't call me that." She gritted her teeth.

"You prefer babydoll?" He smirked, still staring at the screen. " 'You prefer babydoll? Blahahahsjs!" She said in a mocking tone.

Just then her phone beeped.

[💌] New message from 'Creep 💀💀'
Creep 💀💀
get out of his house.

go away lol

Creep 💀💀
don't be so informal.
i can kill you, you know.

This text worried Lisa, and she left the person on read, not knowing if she should leave or not.

Still staring at the blank screen, she said "You know what? I think I'm gonna go-"

"Don't worry about those texts." She felt someone breath on her neck. Her eyes widened. "C-Creep?!" She cried out, turning around.

But all she was met with was a bump on the head, and a very aloof looking Jungkook.

"What?! I'm not a creep, I was trying to reassure you!" He exclaimed, and she couldn't hold in her laughter at the boy who was rubbing his chin.

"No, not you. That person is called Creep on my phone, and I thought that that creep person was talking to me." She explained, and a small smile appeared on his face.

"What?" She asked. "You're too cute." He said, before engulfing her in a hug. She was left speechless.

"B-But those texts are kind of scary, Kook." She whispered. "Shh..I'm here, you think they can beat me? You're safe." He muttered, rubbing her back.

And he was right. There was one place that Lisa felt safer than anywhere else, and that place was no other than Jeon Jungkook's strong arms.

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