t h i r t y s i x

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"Hello?" Lisa said, picking up her phone. "Lisa? Let's meet up." Jungkook's voice made her spine chill. "What? Why? Do you have a lead on the case or something?" She asked, speaking quietly.

"No. Let's just meet up. I need to talk to you." Jungkook said. "I can't, I have to get something—"

"Be at Pap's in ten? Great! See ya, Lis!" He said in a rush, and before Lisa knew it, he had hung up the phone. She sighed, putting it back in. "I guess I'm going to lunch."


"Lisa!" The blonde turned when she heard Jungkook calling her from the end booth, she smiled, making her way to him. She saw that there was already her favorite meal waiting for her, a burger with a side salad and a vanilla milkshake.

"Hey, you remembered!" She smiled, sitting across from him. "Yeah, I felt bad about asking you so abruptly. I just need to...tell you something." He smiled nervously, watching as she sipped from the striped straw.

"Fire ahead." She smiled with her pearly white teeth. She was in an especially good mood today, and Jungkook had no idea why. He hoped that he wasn't going to ruin it.

"Okay...I've been thinking..uhm, ever since you..l-left me last year, I've had these strange...feelings. I always knew that they weren't normal for 'fuck buddies', but I kind of ignored them at the start. So then, over the summer I went to military camp for three weeks, trying to get my mind off you. I even broke up with Yeri. It was a whole mess, I can't believe it happened-"

"Jungkook, what are you trying to say?" Lisa asked, the smile wiped off her face, making him even more nervous. "Well...I think- I t-think I love you-"

He was cut off by Lisa choking on her salad, coughing violently. "Ahh, do you want a uhh- a tissue?" Jungkook panicked, grabbing a handkerchief. Lisa swatted it away with her hand, finally composing herself.

"Y-You what?!" Her voice trembled as she tried not to yell. "Do I have to say it again?" Jungkook whisper-yelled, aware that everyone was looking at them now.

"Uh- I..I have to think this over..I'm uhh..I'm happy! I'm in a healthy steady relationship!" She slapped herself, and he had no clue why. But it felt like she slapped him, too.

"No. No. No. Why? Can I just ask why? Why now? Why not...before Mingyu came along? J-Just, why?!" Her voice went up like three octaves. "How was I supposed to know that he was going to come along?!" Jungkook asked indignantly.

"Ugh, I need a while to...think. Did you think this was a good idea?!" She yelled, and stormed out of the diner. Jungkook shoved his face in his hands, not wanting to think of the mess he had made.


Jennie sighed, closing the book she had been engrossed in. It was one of Taehyung's sisters, and she had loved every second of it.

She was sitting in the second guest room of Taehyung's house, where her and her brother had been staying since that night two weeks ago. It had been awkward at first, but not anymore.

She jumped when she saw her brother waiting at her door, pillow in hand. "Hyuka, you should be in bed. It's 10 PM." Jennie said sternly, walking to him.

"I can't sleep."


"I can hear Tae hyung and Irene noona fighting from my room. It brings back bad memories." He whined. Jennie put her arm around him, bringing him into her room. "I'll try get them to stop." She said warmly.

Irene didn't know Taehyung was letting Jennie and her brother stay with him. Jennie didn't want anyone to know about her problems at home. Especially the school's old It Girl. Irene was furious at Jennie for taking her spot, so Jennie tried to avoid her at all costs.

That's why she tried her best to keep quiet as she walked out on to the landing, looking over the banister to see them shouting at each other. It wasn't really shouting, I guess you could call it 'talking loudly'.

Jennie couldn't even hear what they were saying, but it looked heated. Then, after about five minutes, Irene finally left, slamming the door behind her. Jennie was about to walk back to her room to tell her brother that everything was okay now, but something stopped her.

"Jennie? Were you eavesdropping? Because that's frowned upon." Taehyung called from downstairs. She turned quickly, not wanting him to get the wrong idea.

"No. You guys were just being too loud and it was giving Hyuka bad dreams. It's okay now, thank you." She said stiffly, beginning to walk back. "Wait! Is he okay?" Taehyung called, running up the stairs. He had a soft spot for Jennie's brother.

"He's fine, Taehyung-"

Jennie's breath hitched as she turned to meet Taehyung's chest. She slowly looked up, to see him looking down at her. "Hi." He smiled, his breath sending tingles down her spine.

"H-Hi.." She whispered, and before she knew it, he grabbed her, pushing his lips on to hers. She let out a small squeak of surprise, before giving in and kissing him back.

It was like they were lost in another world, Taehyung had been waiting for this moment for months. He lifted her thighs up to wrap them around his torso, bringing her into his room.

She pulled away, breathing heavily. "What are we doing?" She whispered. "I think you know." He said huskily, placing her on the bed. She smirked, placing her hand on his chest and unbuttoning the first button. He smiled, and kissed her neck as she unbuttoned his shirt.

She looked at his perfectly shaped torso, everything right. He broke away from her neck as he started pulling off her pajama top, revealing a lacy bra.

She then took off his trousers carefully as he placed his hand against her wet core. It was only covered by trousers, and some panties. She moaned as he pressed her sweet spot, her hands going weak, making it hard to continue pulling down his jeans.

He did it for her, and when he was done, he quickly removed her pajama shorts, wanting to see her. He stood back as he admired the goddess in front of him.

She was shaped in all the perfect places, and he couldn't believe that she was all his.

"Let's do this."



i'm bad at smut but some people asked for it so 🤷‍♀️

the end is nearing ;)


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