t h i r t y s e v e n

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"Listen, Chaeng. I should've been there that night when they went to save you. They didn't tell me their plan, and I would've gone—"

"Chim, I don't care if you weren't there that night. But I can't explain how hurt I was when I saw you with her. The only thing that I thought about while in that hell hole was you. And I come back to have my heart broken." Chaeyoung said quietly, and Jimin's heart almost broke at hearing how much he hurt her.

"Please, it was her who kissed me. S-She means nothing to me! Chaeyoung, you're my everything. And I miss you so much." Tears shone in his eyes as he reached for her hand.

"But how can I trust you again, Jimin? How do I know you won't be out doing other girls?" She asked, narrowing her eyes to hide the tears forming in them.

"I won't. I hurt you and I am so so sorry. I will never forgive myself. But all I want to know is that you forgive me. Because...I love you, Park Chaeyoung."

Jimin held his breath as her eyes widened, ready to pop out of her head. But, only after a few seconds, she replied,

"I love you too, Park Jimin."


Jisoo picked up her phone, sighing. "Hello?" She whispered.

"Jisoo. Never talk to Jin again. We had a deal." A deep voice came over the phone, making her not able to recognize it.

"It was him, he did it." Jisoo sighed, not even questioning who she was talking to because she was sure she wouldn't like the answer.

"That doesnt matter to me. I could have you dead by tomorrow." She shivered, and her bedroom was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

"Fine. I wont speak to him again." She said, hanging up.

"Why me?" She began to cry silently, shoving her face into her pillow. She missed Jin, she missed him like hell.

They'd find a way out of this.

They'd have to.


The blonde walked with her head down, not wanting anyone to notice her. She hated when people notice her.

Being in the spotlight wasn't Yeri's thing. She preferred to stand by her Unnies and let them do the talking.

But of course, lately, that Blackpink, as they liked to call themselves, took all the attention. She couldn't believe that they were the same girls that she had helped bully last year. They were like totally different people.

She was walking to the cafeteria, turning down the empty hallway.

The hallway that Wendy died in.

People believed that the hallway was haunted, and Yeri felt like she could feel a presence near her.

She hated ghosts and all things to do this them, so she began to speed walk, only to turn the corner and see the most heartbreaking thing ever (or so she thought at the time.)

Jeon Jungkook kissing Lalisa Manoban. Her fist balled up as she stared at the two, her vision becoming misty. She almost yelled at them when Lalisa pushed him off her and walked away in a rush. Who would reject him?!

She turned and fled, running all the way back to her locker where she sat on the floor, sobbing.

"Yeri-ah! Yeri-ah, what's wrong?!" She heard the voice of her kindest Unnie, Joy.

"Unnie, I-I saw Jungkook kissing someone else." She sobbed as Joy sat down beside her and engulfed her in a hug.

"What?! Who." To Yeri's surprise, Joy's voice hardened, showing a side that Yeri had never seen before.

"L-Lalisa." Yeri sniffled. "I'll be right back." Joy gritted her teeth, standing up and taking out her phone.

Why's she acting so weird?


Taehyung walked into the park. It was late, around 10 pm. He had just had another fight with Irene. Jennie had told him that she wasn't sure if she wanted a relationship.

She was breaking his heart, and he didn't even realize. Her face lingered whenever he closed his eyes.  Her laugh, her voice. She was perfect. Too good.

That night had been special. Unlike some of his friends, he didn't just go around fucking girls. Well, Irene at that party had been an exception. He wanted it to be special.

And that night, he practically worshipped every inch of her. She was so soft and innocent, making him want to protect her. But at the same time, she was this hot ass grown up who he just wanted to be his.

Her living in his house made everything even harder. He'd see her everyday, and now that he'd seen her body, she was driving him even more crazy than before. At least before, he could pretend there was blemishes all over her skin, but now he knew there wasn't.

And it just breaks his—

His book fell to the group as he stood in shock. His feet stuck to the ground, his eyes wide open, his stomach churning.

And then, a scream was heard.

A scream from deep within the woods, beyond the pretty park he had decided to take a walk in.

But all he could focus on right now, was Jin's limp body, laying on the ground beside a bench. He was covered in cuts, they looked almost like battle scars.

He looked like a sleeping angel, his mouth open only a small bit.

Taehyung just hoped he wasn't sleeping forever.

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